Hi everyone

Hi, Thought I'd introduce myself, been a gym enthusiast for a good few years now, started whilst I was serving in the army and pretty much went from there, never really kept track of what I ate and just tried to eat as well as I possibly could, until a friend told me about this app and tbh I couldn't live without it now. I'm currently trying to get my body fat down to around the 5 to 7 percent mark just to see if I can really as next year I'd like to take part In my first competition, not really looking to be humongous, I'd like to go in at around the 80kg mark, it's good to see that there's so many more people trying to look after their bodies than ever before at the minute but it's also a shame that were encouraged to eat healthy and to make healthier lifestyle choices but yet they seem to come at a much greater cost than convenience living, anyway happy dieting everyone and keep hitting those goals :wink: