How many times do you weigh yourself in 1 "weigh in"



  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
  • _AlabamaSlamma_
    Usually I weigh about three times before I jump off sobbing and go down a quart of Ben & Jerry's.
  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    I weigh myself once a week officially, but get on the scale when ever i feel lighter. i don't think that helps because I vary +/-1lbs at different times of the day. not good for the ego.
  • stormyxpony
    stormyxpony Posts: 157 Member
    Before going to the bathroom in the nude and then after I go to the bathroom in the nude. mom says to take the lowest number.
  • nikibean123
    nikibean123 Posts: 81 Member
    I weigh myself once a week (sometimes twice if I'm feeling OCD) when I go to the gym on the weekend. I use the gym scales every time (big ones so they don't get moved around) in my gym gear without trainers. I weigh myself twice just to check the number is right before noting it down. I don't use any other scales now because it does my head in when different scales give different results.
  • Chellellelle
    Chellellelle Posts: 595 Member
    Since I move my scale from bathroom floor to the closet, I usually weigh myself twice and then if I get different numbers, I will weigh myself once more. The third time usually matches the second number, so I go with that.
  • laurie04427
    laurie04427 Posts: 421 Member
    I just step on once. I try to step on evenly as possible because I figure if I wiggle it's going to throw it off. Not sure if it would or not but it's something I do.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    I will knock them around on occasion if the weight seems too high, or actual during December... too low.
    In the end, it's trend I'm worried about, but I prefer to have a figure that 'makes sense', given the choice.

    And yes, at the moment after bathroom, no clothes.

    I've just started using the 'libre' app which seems to do a good job of averaging the trend, so individual figures don't matter so much as it's just showing you the trend.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    For some reason my scale always gives a different number the first time you use it that day then any other time. So I usually step on it once, step off, then step on it again and take that number. I've checked a few times and the third time is always the same as the second, so I think that's the "right" number. I mean, it's all retaliative anyway so I care mostly about consistency.
  • eyecandyrayce
    eyecandyrayce Posts: 260 Member
    I move my scale around so I always do it 3 times. The first time is always wrong and the scale gives me a reset message after the first time. Then it shows accurately and I do it twice just to make sure both times are the same.
  • kuderstadt
    kuderstadt Posts: 134 Member
    3 times, take the average...
  • cassandrac1983
    Ha! Great question! Twice for me, unless the numbers are different…then I go up to 5 to get the same number a few times! Always nekkid, after having gone to the bathroom!!!!
  • Hobb3s
    Hobb3s Posts: 119 Member
    Mine's digital and a little inconsistent. So my rule is that it has to show the same weight for 2 readings at one weigh in, regardless of how many times I step on it.
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    Once Daily, but I only log once a week, generally Friday.
  • aimladuke
    aimladuke Posts: 60 Member
    I love this idea of waiting until you have held the same weight for three days before logging. I never feel confident with my new lows. This gives a good way to stay consistent with looging. THIS is why I love this site!!!! Always getting great new ideas.
  • Sparlingo
    Sparlingo Posts: 938 Member
    Once, unless the number doesn't make sense.

    Then a second or third time to confirm.

    Edited to add: In terms of logging losses, I log any new low. Basically because that it the system that I find most motivating and rewarding. I stick to what works for me. Logging and celebrating the new lows when I see them is what works for me.
  • tskvaughn
    tskvaughn Posts: 114 Member
    At this point I weigh every 2 weeks, trying to avoid ups and downs. I weigh every other Friday. I have an Aria so it automatically logs. Seems pretty consistent. I keep it in the same place on a tile floor (tiles are big, larger than Aria). Aria syncs with MFP so when I weigh it is logged.
    Every 2 weeks works for me. The weeks I don't weigh, I measure. I also always have a pair of pants one size smaller than what I wear and try them on every week for my family.
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member

    Once to set the scale (I have to move it out from under the bed.)
    Once to weigh.
    And once to confirm, because you never know if you stepped on weird.

    If the two weights aren't the same, I do it again.