Stopping people from stealing your food



  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    She's really shy so I could easily intimidate her,

    or you could be an adult and ask her...?
  • MsTru2U
    MsTru2U Posts: 119 Member
    Ask her about it and if you get no resolution, buy a small fridge for your room
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Make a delicious choclate dish with plenty of laxative in it. Put your name on it or leave it in the fridge, then see who rushes to the bathroom first.

    I did this with a batch of brownies in college and it worked like a charm. After her sixth or seventh trip to the bathroom I told her what I'd done and WHY.

    She was more respectful of my food after that.
  • nomad1000
    nomad1000 Posts: 206 Member
    Here's the deal, you have narrowed it down to the girlfriend and while you may think she is shy, she isn't shy about stealing other people's food.

    So you talk to her. Not in an aggressive "what the hell did you think you were doing" way but a "hey, since no one else in the house took my food, that leaves you. Please don't do it again. I am on a budget and trying to eat healthier. And, to be honest, when I come back and all my food is gone and spoiled, it upsets me. Maybe you thought all the food in the fridge/freezer was communal before this but now you know, it's not. Anything with my name on it is not communal so don't eat it. I would prefer if we don't need to have this conversation again."

    Good luck. Food thievery is a giant pain.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Make a delicious choclate dish with plenty of laxative in it. Put your name on it or leave it in the fridge, then see who rushes to the bathroom first.

    Someone at my work eats other people's food. I've had my lunch bag rummaged through and I'm pretty sure they keep drinking my coffee creamer too. My plan is to take the coffee creamer when it's empty, add some milk and tons of laxatives.... keep your hands off!!

    I think it's brilliant - and yes i would do it :)

    Could be fun could also try adding lots of hot sauce to your dish.......or perhaps bring a "dog food" casserole.
  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,070 Member
    I really like the chocolate laxative idea. But you mentioned dead mice in the freezer. Get several of those and put them all over your food packages. I wouldn't touch anything!

    Or you could get your own portable freezer and lock it, or buy a box that fits inside the current freezer and lock the box with your stuff in it, or give her a bill for the items taken, or have a talk with her and ask her for money so you can eat the rest of the week, or you could try talking with her first.

    Good luck.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Wait until you calm down, then talk to her. Don't go into it thinking you need to confront her or antagonize her. Simply tell her what is missing and how you would like to be reimbursed or have the items replaced. If she denies it, then you can tell her that you are disappointed in her actions and reactions and let he know that you will be securing your items in the future. Treat her like an adult and, hopefully, she will do the adult thing and pay you back.

    I recommend having a house meeting and discussing sections of the freezer/getting a box to put all of your items in, if you can.

    As for future purchases, I recommend wrapping all food in paper towels and then a ziplock bag (so that, looking at it, you can't tell what is in the ziplock). Then, on the bag, write "[Your Name] Dinner." She's less likely to steal your food if she has to open a ziplock and unwrap it. Also, with your name written against the paper towels (on the ziplock-- you can reuse the ziplock), it is blatant. There's no missing that it is yours.

    With milk, I would just tape over the lid until you want to open it and then mark the side with your name and the date.

    Sorry that you have to do this. If you can, consider moving somewhere with more respectful roommates (and a cheaper rent, so you're not down to your last quid with food).
  • somefitsomefat
    somefitsomefat Posts: 445 Member
    Just break up.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Confront the person who took your food? Or is that too simple?

    Get out with that logic.

    Find the person who ate your stuff and tell them to knock it off. If they don't, then start lacing with laxatives, horseradish, and sriracha sauce.
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    Make a delicious choclate dish with plenty of laxative in it. Put your name on it or leave it in the fridge, then see who rushes to the bathroom first.

    Talk to your roommate and GF calmly, if that doesn't work: i76nj7c.gif
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Wait until you calm down, then talk to her. Don't go into it thinking you need to confront her or antagonize her. Simply tell her what is missing and how you would like to be reimbursed or have the items replaced. If she denies it, then you can tell her that you are disappointed in her actions and reactions and let he know that you will be securing your items in the future. Treat her like an adult and, hopefully, she will do the adult thing and pay you back.

    I recommend having a house meeting and discussing sections of the freezer/getting a box to put all of your items in, if you can.

    As for future purchases, I recommend wrapping all food in paper towels and then a ziplock bag (so that, looking at it, you can't tell what is in the ziplock). Then, on the bag, write "[Your Name] Dinner." She's less likely to steal your food if she has to open a ziplock and unwrap it. Also, with your name written against the paper towels (on the ziplock-- you can reuse the ziplock), it is blatant. There's no missing that it is yours.

    With milk, I would just tape over the lid until you want to open it and then mark the side with your name and the date.

    Sorry that you have to do this. If you can, consider moving somewhere with more respectful roommates (and a cheaper rent, so you're not down to your last quid with food).

    Is this advice for people with way too much time on their hands?
  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    You say you've already brought the food situation up before so they know.

    So talking won't do any good. You've talked before, and it hasn't worked. Time to move -- as soon as you can, because that much food on that small a paycheck is serious damage.

    Oh, and tell C that you want your food *replaced.* You don't want his turkey dinos and chips. You want your veggie sausages and milk back. Whether he pays for it, or his girlfriend pays for it, is not your problem. You need the food you paid for and can eat. If this causes a house war, then move out. Oh, I said that before.
  • euronorris
    euronorris Posts: 211 Member
    The time for talking has passed, as they clearly disregarded your wishes anyway.

    So, set up a mini webcam to watch the freezer so you can confirm who is stealing the food.

    Also, either get a lockbox to place inside the freezer, or get a mini one that you can store in your room (which is locked).

    That way, you can find out for sure who the thief is, confront them with the evidence and ask that they reimburse you as stealing is NOT ok. And after that, you can keep everything in your room, locked, safe and sound.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    The time for talking has passed, as they clearly disregarded your wishes anyway.

    So, set up a mini webcam to watch the freezer so you can confirm who is stealing the food.

    Also, either get a lockbox to place inside the freezer, or get a mini one that you can store in your room (which is locked).

    That way, you can find out for sure who the thief is, confront them with the evidence and ask that they reimburse you as stealing is NOT ok. And after that, you can keep everything in your room, locked, safe and sound.

    Good grief. What a delusional world this is becoming...
  • wenshel7
    wenshel7 Posts: 19 Member
    So sad, to have to lock stuff up in your own home, but the lock box in the freezer and in the fridge are a good idea. My roomies (aka: kids) are chunky little sneaks who forget about moderation once the box of Goldfish crackers is open. I had to get a freezer with a lock on it and put a lock on the snack cabinet to be able to help them learn portion control. (I leave out the popcorn, fresh veggies and fruits for them).
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    The next logical step in this thread is someone saying "call 911."

    Wait for it...
  • MsTru2U
    MsTru2U Posts: 119 Member
    Call 911 :tongue:
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    I agree that you need to talk to your roommate's girlfriend and say that it's not cool to take other people's food. However, given that her boyfriend apparently buys turkey dinosaurs for himself, I'm guessing that neither of them is very mature.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Make a delicious choclate dish with plenty of laxative in it. Put your name on it or leave it in the fridge, then see who rushes to the bathroom first.

    where is the like button...too funny.

    oh heck ya :)