the last 20. need friends here

Hi I lost a lot of weight a while ago and gave up before my goal. well I'm working to drop the last of it. Do not want anyone who takes the easy unhealthy way out like with pills and drinks like herbalife


  • owenmhartley
    owenmhartley Posts: 220 Member
    Congratulations on not taking the herbalife route I sick of the sight of those adverts :smile:
  • noelr56
    noelr56 Posts: 107 Member
    wait... you mean herbalife is a non-sustainable way of losing weight?!?

    haha, jk :laugh:

    I'll send you a request!

    anyone else can feel free to add me as well!
  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    I know the last bit is always the hardest. i still have 22 bls to go myself. good luck on reaching your goal. you will get there. add me if you like and anyone else can add me too.
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    congrats...cant wait till im in that range...soon enough..:)