diet soda drinkers?



  • MsDillieBar
    MsDillieBar Posts: 414 Member
    All things in moderation! I love Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi! I drink 2-5 per week. But I also make sure that I'm drinking my daily goal of water. I don't feel any different drinking diet soda or not drinking diet soda but I DO feel like crap when I don't drink enough water.
  • frangrann
    frangrann Posts: 219 Member
    I drank diet coke forever. I have never noticed it making me fat or irritable. I stopped about 2 yrs ago and I never felt any better or worse. Now I have it occasionally.
  • TracyJo93
    TracyJo93 Posts: 197 Member
    I very seldom eat out - fast food or otherwise - but when I do, I drink diet soda. I also have problems with my digestive system that makes me nauseated quite often. I drink diet sprite when that happens.

    I haven't seen any adverse effects on weightless, but I also don't drink it very often.
  • eksero2k
    eksero2k Posts: 83 Member
    I drink 1-3 cans of it every day, and I have gone long periods of not drinking any. Didn't notice any difference, nor does it seem to have any effects on weight loss
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    I drink 1-2 cans of diet coke (love me some cherry and vanilla) and diet cherry Dr pepper. No effect. My ticker seems to move where I will it
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Be very careful with diet soda. There are MANY stories out there about aspartame and it's health risks, just Google them, it's a toxin that WILL cause harm eventually. I know a lot of people love it and will swear by it (most because they don't want to admit that it COULD be bad for them, don't take away my diet coke!) but the truth is out there.

    Oh, and don't forget that aspartame, when exposed to high heats, becomes even more toxic. High heats found in warehouses and the trailers that they are hauled around the country in... well, exposing aspartame to those high heats can make it even worse. My mother in law was an avid diet coke drinker and couldn't lose weight, she was tired all the time, and had frequent headaches. She quit drinking diet coke, cut all other forms of aspartame out of her diet, and she is now seeing weight loss results and her headaches have all but ceased.

    If you want to drink soda, and this is my opinion based on the research I have read, then it is far healthier to just buck up and pay for the real deal with actual sugar in it.

    Very very well said, i agree totaly.

    @maleficent not the kind of chemical like what aspartame is i have done alot of research on it and it affected me greatly.

    Yes and I can google how protien is as bad as smoking doesn't make it true...jeez.

    I love my diet coke and you can pry it from my cold dead hands....just like my protien.

    apparently that will be quicker than most if you believe everything you read on google....:sad: :sad: :sad:

    ETA: I don't like regular coke it's icky
  • Azchange
    Azchange Posts: 110 Member
    For all this Aspartame bashing crap, I would personally advise you to ignore it.

    Weight loss is calorie in - calorie out. Zero Calories, it won't affect weightloss. If you eat crap after drinking diet soda, it will affect weight loss. People try to demonize aspartame and diet soda for a lack of self control they personally have.

    Of course Aspartame isn't "Nutritious" but like EVERYTHING else in this world, moderation, moderation, moderation.

    I have one diet root beer with my dinner almost every night, and a diet sprite after that. (Primarily because they don't have caffeine, and I tend to not sleep well with caffeine before bed, go figure). I have seen great weightloss while drinking, and did not see any improvements when I abstained for six months.
  • euronorris
    euronorris Posts: 211 Member
    The trouble with asking for peoples experiences on an internet forum is that a) there is no scientific base to it and b) it doesn't mean you will be effected in the same way. There are so many different factors that can come into play (age, sex, height, weight, diet etc etc), that any one persons opinion on here is purely anecdotal. In the end, you'll have to decide for yourself (hopefully after doing your own research on actual studies etc).

    Personally, I used to be addicted to the stuff. Terribly. Not just diet soda, but any soda. Approximately 2 years ago, after doing my own research, I quit it. Completely. It was really hard to do. I liken it to quitting smoking, because I relied on it just as much and in a very similar way (would have one to celebrate, one to cheer me up and also just in normal course of the day) and, I found just as hard to quit. After approximately 6 weeks, it got much easier and now I don't miss it at all. On the odd occasion where a soda is the only option (which is very, very rare), I now actually dislike drinking it as I no longer like the taste. It doesn't taste how I remember it. Which is a good thing, I think!

    Do I feel better for quitting? Absolutely. Less bloated, less foggy, no more headaches, less spotty and so on.

    That's a choice I made for myself. Not because of weight loss, but for health. I don't do diet versions of anything. There really is no need. And one of the scarier side effects of aspartame is that it caused holes to develop in the brains of mice that were given it during laboratory testing when it was first introduced. Quickly covered up, of course, and then re-presented to the FDA for approval all those years ago.
  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    And one of the scarier side effects of aspartame is that it caused holes to develop in the brains of mice that were given it during laboratory testing when it was first introduced. Quickly covered up, of course, and then re-presented to the FDA for approval all those years ago.

    Yep, it's a big guv'ment conspiracy to kill us all.

    Do you know how much of that stuff you would have to consume to get the equivalent of what the mice were getting?

    Didn't think so. Take off the tinfoil hat.
  • EpicMedic
    EpicMedic Posts: 24 Member
    Be very careful with diet soda. There are MANY stories out there about aspartame and it's health risks, just Google them, it's a toxin that WILL cause harm eventually. I know a lot of people love it and will swear by it (most because they don't want to admit that it COULD be bad for them, don't take away my diet coke!) but the truth is out there.

    Oh, and don't forget that aspartame, when exposed to high heats, becomes even more toxic. High heats found in warehouses and the trailers that they are hauled around the country in... well, exposing aspartame to those high heats can make it even worse. My mother in law was an avid diet coke drinker and couldn't lose weight, she was tired all the time, and had frequent headaches. She quit drinking diet coke, cut all other forms of aspartame out of her diet, and she is now seeing weight loss results and her headaches have all but ceased.

    If you want to drink soda, and this is my opinion based on the research I have read, then it is far healthier to just buck up and pay for the real deal with actual sugar in it.

    Very very well said, i agree totaly.

    @maleficent not the kind of chemical like what aspartame is i have done alot of research on it and it affected me greatly.

    Yes and I can google how protien is as bad as smoking doesn't make it true...jeez.

    I love my diet coke and you can pry it from my cold dead hands....just like my protien.

    apparently that will be quicker than most if you believe everything you read on google....:sad: :sad: :sad:

    ETA: I don't like regular coke it's icky

    Lmao, you're usage of my "cold dead hands" quote got a good laugh out of me, and the part about everything going to kill us if you believe the internet is the god honest truth.

    OP, it's up to you to decide whats best for you. If diet soda with aspartame helps satisfy your sweet tooth and you eat fewer sugar-loaded snacks because of it, then by all means, go for it. Moderation is your friend. If you want to eat clean, like many on here, then I would lump aspartame in with a lot of the processed and chemically altered foods and steer clear from it. Good Luck!
  • euronorris
    euronorris Posts: 211 Member
    And one of the scarier side effects of aspartame is that it caused holes to develop in the brains of mice that were given it during laboratory testing when it was first introduced. Quickly covered up, of course, and then re-presented to the FDA for approval all those years ago.

    Yep, it's a big guv'ment conspiracy to kill us all.

    Do you know how much of that stuff you would have to consume to get the equivalent of what the mice were getting?

    Didn't think so. Take off the tinfoil hat.

    If you think that any government is immune to corruption from people with vested interests in large corporations, you're kidding yourself.

    Do you know how much I WAS consuming? Or for how long? Nope. Didn't think so.

    Do yourself a favour and look up the FDA's own papers and research into the accumulative effects of Aspartame toxicity and educate yourself.
  • LB30
    LB30 Posts: 109 Member
    I am a confessed diet soda junkie. I've been drinking it for many, many years. And over those years, my consumption of it has only increased. I could easily drink 2 liters a day (maybe more!) However, any time I have needed to lose weight, it has never hindered me. I also have never had any negative side effects using aspartame or splenda.

    That said, it got tiresome lugging cans or liter sized bottles (I have a Sodastream) to work, so I decided it was time to re-evaluate my beverages. I have never been a huge fan of plain water, but for the last month or two I have been challenging (forcing) myself to drink at least 8 cups per day, and usually I drink more than that. I find I am tolerating the taste (or lack thereof) much better. I still drink soda, just more like 1 or 2 glasses a day, now. I'm better hydrated, my stomach feels much less bloated and my lunch bag is much lighter. Other than that, cutting soda hasn't boosted weight loss and I don't feel any different, nor did I expect either to occur. Oh, and I have saved about $30/month. :wink:
  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    Do you know how much I WAS consuming? Or for how long? Nope. Didn't think so.

    Nope, but it's likely impossible that you were even consuming a fraction of a percent of what those mice were getting.

    Now run along, dear. Next.

    ETA: you should probably also learn the difference between correlation and causation for when you are reading your "research" papers. just FYI.
  • hastingsmassage
    hastingsmassage Posts: 162 Member
    I have diet coke when I feel like having it, I also have red wine when I feel like having it.
  • Maleficent0241
    Maleficent0241 Posts: 386 Member
    And one of the scarier side effects of aspartame is that it caused holes to develop in the brains of mice that were given it during laboratory testing when it was first introduced. Quickly covered up, of course, and then re-presented to the FDA for approval all those years ago.

    Yep, it's a big guv'ment conspiracy to kill us all.

    Do you know how much of that stuff you would have to consume to get the equivalent of what the mice were getting?

    Didn't think so. Take off the tinfoil hat.

    If you think that any government is immune to corruption from people with vested interests in large corporations, you're kidding yourself.

    Do you know how much I WAS consuming? Or for how long? Nope. Didn't think so.

    Do yourself a favour and look up the FDA's own papers and research into the accumulative effects of Aspartame toxicity and educate yourself.

    What cumulative effects? Your body breaks it down and eliminates it pretty dang quickly. You would have to be consuming an exceedingly high amount at regular intervals to accumulate anything. What equivalent human dose was used in the studies? I would be interested to read them.
  • Arranna1212
    Arranna1212 Posts: 143 Member
    For the aspartame to even start harming you, you'd have to drink 20+ sodas A DAY for like a year before it started severely affecting you. Like my friend said, the only thing diet soda hurts is your wallet.