All I want to do is eat! What do I do?!

I don't know what's wrong with me but fire a while now all I want to do is eat, even if I'm full or simply not hungry. It doesn't matter what it is, I want to be eating something. I'm starting to think I need to sea psychiatrist. I've been feeling like this for months. Usually it'll pass and I can lose the weight I gained but it's not passing and I'm getting worried it will never pass. Can anyone else relate? Any pointers?


  • wonderbolt_in_training
    I can relate 100%. See a doctor before you see a psychiatrist! So many things can cause this. Even not drinking enough water. Are you depressed? Do you get enough sleep? Think of physiological causes first :)
  • michellewong699
    michellewong699 Posts: 98 Member
    I kind of know this feeling! I usually feel this way if I am on the computer or watching TV.
    To beat this craving, I usually drink water. If that doesn't work, I drink some juice or eat an apple.
  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member
    Eat more high volume low calorie foods?
  • kkmyers4
    kkmyers4 Posts: 2
    Maybe you're lacking a certain nutrient? I would see a regular physician first! You could also look into doing IIFYM that allows for more food.
  • chrisvinci
    There is many reasons for this. Try eating carrots and celery and drink enough water. Thats what I do. Also are you eating enough protein.
  • erc89432
    erc89432 Posts: 21
    Chewing some mint gum helps me to ward off cravings!
  • joannaphipps00
    joannaphipps00 Posts: 21 Member
    I can fully relate to this, it seems that my body wants to keep its old caloric intake even as I try to adjust things downward. Fibromyalgia and a heart condition keep me fairly sedentary. I doubt that I am thirsty because I am drinking upwards of 5 liters a day.

    Any suggestions?
  • smc864
    smc864 Posts: 570 Member
    I can TOTALLY relate. I agree with drinking water. Chug 2 glasses, wait 10 minutes and see if the feeling has passed.

    Make yourself busy! Turn off the tv or get off the computer. Leave the house... do anything!

    Are you stressed, depressed or anxious about something? That is what makes me binge eat or think about food all the time.

    Set a date in the near future for a fresh start. Mine is today! I had a rough week last week and ate like crazy for 5 days in a row. Today is the day I planned to start again. This kind of thinking really helps me.

    And I also agree that high volume low calorie foods are helpful. Make sure you are getting enough dietary fat during the day! This helps with hunger.
  • bimpski
    bimpski Posts: 176 Member
    I can relate! I've had the same feelings for several years now and looking back they correlated with my entering peri-menopause. so for me, I think it is crazy hormones. I have the greatest success in beating this when I eat healthy for a few days. I know it's not easy when your every waking moment is consumed with food. and like a vicious circle it seems the more "bad" stuff I eat, the more I want. but I think it's the sugar highs and lows that does it. trying to keep an even blood sugar level helps a lot!
  • kjo9692
    kjo9692 Posts: 430 Member
    Psychologically it's an oral fixation - why do people have bad habits that involve your mouth? Because of an oral fixation - let it be booze, cigarettes, illegal drugs, food, and ... ahem ... other stuff.

    On a more serious note - you are the only one who has the strength to stop yourself when you've had enough. There's no miracle help that will instantly make you stop eating all the time, it's all you!
  • rayraex
    rayraex Posts: 50
    When I feel like eating non-stop, it is usually because I am stressed or bored. If I exercise, it provides me with a more positive outlet for my stress/boredom and it is easier for me to keep on track.
  • jellybeanhed313
    jellybeanhed313 Posts: 344 Member
    I can TOTALLY relate. Some days, I must think its my job to eat cuz that's all I do! I've been fighting this for years and managed to lose a lot of weight dispite this, however, I keep gaining it back(some, not all of it). I don't have a solution for you other than you just have to tell yourself 'NO' and do something else. Go for a walk, read, knit/crochet(my savior!), anything to distract you. Also, chug water every time you were going to eat something. You will be full, get in all your water for the day and not eat. Good luck. :)
  • runningjen74
    runningjen74 Posts: 312 Member
    Could you actually be hungry? Deficient in nutrients? How many calories do you net on a daily basis and how long have you been doing it for? You need to eat at a deficit, you don't need to rush this. For me, I find that I then obsess about food and I'm prone to bingeing - I need to eat good solid real food on a very regular basis!

    I also find, if I eat processed food - sugary stuff, bread, any processed stuff, I tend to crave more and very quickly.

    If I don't eat enough protein / fat / fiber, I get hungry - very quickly and often stay like that if I haven't started the day right. Sure, I don't think a bit of processed food is bad for you, but I do find it upsets me and makes me hungry.

    I also get really really hungry if I am tired or I have not had enough water.
  • joannaphipps00
    joannaphipps00 Posts: 21 Member
    My favorite snacks are the Quaker crispy minis rice snacks, only 90 Cals (but that is for 12 of the lill thing not the entire bag). Sitting and watching TV I seem do devour them like mad. It doesn't matter whether I have had a good dinner or not.
  • tammy920
    tammy920 Posts: 5 Member
    What's the best way to fight the oral fixation? Any tips would be great.
  • tammy920
    tammy920 Posts: 5 Member
    I started on an anti anxiety/antidepressant a couple months ago so I feeling better now then ever before so I wouldn't think it's that. I've been feeling like this since about nov/Dec though so I don't think it's the medication. Guess I'll make an appt with my Dr and see what she suggests. In the meantime I'll work on changing my food as many of you suggested.
    I work in an office so I'm stuck at my desk most of the day. :(
  • kjo9692
    kjo9692 Posts: 430 Member
    What's the best way to fight the oral fixation? Any tips would be great.

    Habits related to oral fixation are hard to break - instead, try to replace them. You can try and replace high calorie snacks for low calorie snacks instead, there are soya chips (I don't like them, some people do like them though) which are low in calories, maybe nuts too or low fat yogurt (since they are low fat they also tend to be low in calories). For example, if I have anxiety I drink a cup of tea with Equal or Splenda. Or coffee, that usually keeps me going too. Sometimes it's just the urge to just bring something to our mouth. I find myself chewing straws, pens, pencils all the time LOL. I won't suggest bubble gum because that actually makes you hungry.

    Personally, the tea really helps me - and it has no calories. But ultimately, you'll usually crave food high in calories, and at this point is all about mind control. Just say no! Of course, once a week won't hurt you if you cheat a little and go over your calories.

    I also recommend that at the beginning try eating things that are low in calories so you can eat more of it and get full without exceeding your calories. It's very different eating 205 calories of broccoli (that's A LOT of broccoli) than 220 calories of a snickers bar.

    At the end, remember that losing weight is all about calories in vs. calories out. Don't deprive yourself of the things you like the most, as long as it fits your calorie budget, you can have a cookie, or a slice of cake, or whatever it is that you want to eat. This will also reduce the urge to binge (in some cases, sometimes people can't have just a bit of what they like because they'll go on a binge spree).

    Anyways, I hope this helps a bit!
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    Psychologically it's an oral fixation - why do people have bad habits that involve your mouth? Because of an oral fixation - let it be booze, cigarettes, illegal drugs, food, and ... ahem ... other stuff.

    On a more serious note - you are the only one who has the strength to stop yourself when you've had enough. There's no miracle help that will instantly make you stop eating all the time, it's all you!

    That's why I shoot/snort all my illegal drugs.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I started on an anti anxiety/antidepressant a couple months ago so I feeling better now then ever before so I wouldn't think it's that. I've been feeling like this since about nov/Dec though so I don't think it's the medication. Guess I'll make an appt with my Dr and see what she suggests. In the meantime I'll work on changing my food as many of you suggested.
    I work in an office so I'm stuck at my desk most of the day. :(

    However, the medication could be why it isn't passing like normal. A lot of those medications do mess with the appetite centers of your brain. I still would talk to the doctor, you may be able to try something else with less dramatic side effects. Above all, don't just stop them because of this (I bet you know to not just stop them already :wink:) I hope you can find a good solution. :flowerforyou:
  • kjo9692
    kjo9692 Posts: 430 Member
    Psychologically it's an oral fixation - why do people have bad habits that involve your mouth? Because of an oral fixation - let it be booze, cigarettes, illegal drugs, food, and ... ahem ... other stuff.

    On a more serious note - you are the only one who has the strength to stop yourself when you've had enough. There's no miracle help that will instantly make you stop eating all the time, it's all you!

    That's why I shoot/snort all my illegal drugs.

    :laugh: I know illegal drugs sounds cheesy but I didn't want to be redundant by saying booze and cigarettes and drugs cause booze and cigarettes are drugs too - they are just legal.