
agilbertson10 Posts: 7
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
I recently started a diet and I have lost about 10 lbs in a week and a half but I have kind of stalled. I am still on the same caloric intake and just need to hear some words of wisdom and encouragment to give me a boost. :) Any advice is greatly appreciated! Send me a friend request or a message if you'd like. Ashlee


  • Ashlee, that is not at all uncommon, typically your first 10-15 lbs lost is "water weight" which you will lose fairly quickly. By a week or 2 of exercising most of that is gone and you are starting to gain muscle (which weighs more than fat) so this stall is just temporary thing. Keep it up and the pounds will keep coming off. Although don't expect to lose 10 lbs every week like that first one, It's just not very plausable or healthy. Hope this helps! Keep it up! -SaraDawn
  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340
    Hi Ashlee! Congratulations on your loss! Sometimes the beginning is the easiest because of the dramatic change, losing water weight, etc... Keep of the good work, and the results will come! I promise! :-)
  • are you eating enough calories? when we drastically cut our calories we get fast weight loss. then the body goes into hibernation mode and will either stop losing or even gain.
    are you exercising. you can get results with just one, but you will get steady results with both.
    send me a message and friend request and we will discuss your plan for success.
  • mtzrose2001
    mtzrose2001 Posts: 62 Member
    Hi Ashley,

    I'm trying to loose weight as well. What keeps me motivated is remembering why I started this effort in the first place. For me it's about taking control of my life. If I don't like something about myself, I have the power to change it. It's my life. I will make it what I want it to be. There's nothing that can stand in my way. Don't let anything stand in the way of you and your goal. Just keep pushing. Remember every second of that cardio and every day without that soda is one step closer to your goal.

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