Just starting Looking for support also T25 today!

IrishOKel Posts: 14 Member
I am the biggest I have ever been at 181 pounds I'm 5'7" and 27 years old.
I am struggling a lot with starting to work out and getting in shape. I have no motivation and frankly I would rather watch tv! I am very happy in my personal life but not happy with how i look currently and how i feel about myself.
I have chosen that today is the day, I am going to start T25 the new Insanity fitness. I'm dreading going home to start this workout. I understand this is the hardest part... just starting the workouts and keeping with it. Once a habit is made i'm sure ill feel the opposite. It has just been such a long time. Ready to feel better again for myself!

Thanks to anyone who reads this for "listening" Happy i found MFP i hope it will be a good way to get and give support to others in their fitness goals!

Anyone want to add me as a friend to kick my butt in gear?! Welcome too it. I need the successful helpful stories and people! :)


  • Started T25 today as well! I'll message you! Good luck!
  • meghanrahan
    meghanrahan Posts: 3 Member
    I'm about to start it now! It seems I'm similarly built- I'm 5'9" and 186lbs. This definitely isn't the heaviest I've been, but I've had a hard time getting below this weight. I would love to hear how you are doing with T25 once you get started! Here's to kicking Shaun T's *kitten*!
  • meghanrahan
    meghanrahan Posts: 3 Member
    Good luck to you! Here's to us 3/10 starters!
  • Hello! I just started T25 today, the cardio was a little rough as Ive been doing 30 day shred and c25k and it was much harder. Sending you a friend request!
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    i did t25 in the fall and LOVED it, it was super fun!
  • caveninit
    caveninit Posts: 153 Member
    I started T25 today...wasn't too hard but my knees are killing me. There is one girl that does modifications throughout the entire workout, and the mods are super easy. Good luck!
  • FaileAybara
    FaileAybara Posts: 21 Member
    Just a word of encouragement here, I have been biking every day for 2 weeks now and on MFP for a little under a week. I take the GNC energy and metabolism daily vitamin supplement.

    My mood and energy levels have done a 180. Just a week ago I was struggling to get my butt on my bike - the last two days I have been trying to fit in more exercise because I am feeling so damn good.

    If you can just get through the start up period, it will pay off and you will feel better!
  • IrishOKel
    IrishOKel Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks for the motivation!! I did it, Pressed play and got it done. My chest hurt after being out of breath and i was on modifications for a lot of it.. BUT IT'S A START! An hour later and after a healthy dinner i feel a lot better and happy i did it! Going on Day 2 tomorrow.
    Anyone else starting T25 today add me, lets do this together and we can all help with accountability! :)
  • k11a
    k11a Posts: 6 Member
    count me in ! just did the first one today.... not terrible but SO NOT pretty
  • I am on week three of Alpha and I am not sure what is going on. I have not lost any weight and my legs still hurt when trying to do any of the moves. I work out in socks, so maybe I should try using shoes? It is getting to where my legs hurt so bad that I do not feel like I am getting anything out of the workouts because I cannot even keep up with the modifier due to the pain.
  • Triciad811
    Triciad811 Posts: 268 Member
    my husband and I are on Week 3 of T25 Alpha. Everyday I feel a bit stronger.
  • mmredd100
    mmredd100 Posts: 50 Member
    I started a week ago. Last week I really had trouble getting the moves down. And I feel really dumb because I've done insanity and I thought that was simple but I feel like this one is a lot quicker so I just can't keep up. I've continued through though without quitting and this week is a lot better! So if you feel like the moves are hard to get down just go at your own pace or with Tonya (the modifier) and it'll come to you!
    As for your legs hurting with all of the jumping if you are doing the jumping I most definitely suggest shoes. That's a lot of pressure on your feet. (I'm not a professional just my opinion)

    GOOD LUCK! Feel free to add me. I've done a lot of the beach body products (i'm not affiliated or a coach) and I love them!
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    I started T25 yesterday. Anyone else doing it, feel free to add me. I just finished Insanity and yesterday felt like a cake walk compared to that lol.
  • niniagrn
    niniagrn Posts: 22 Member
    Congrads, for starting!!!! I feel your pain because I'm a little over 5'7" was weighing 171. I'm lot older (42 yrs) than you so I only want to lose 20 pounds, so I can keep my curves and get into a size 8 again. Saying all that to say, I FEEL YOUR PAIN!!!!

    First and foremost, you have to change your mind set (attitude). You have to be more sick and tried of being over weight than watching tv. Find your motivation because that will substain you.
  • DJManos
    DJManos Posts: 220
    Starting T25 myself in the near future.
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    Good luck! I have been doing the T25 program myself and love it. I actually found that I like the Beta workouts (2nd month) better than the Alpha (1st month). That was definitely NOT true when I did Insanity hahaha! In Beta, there's some work with weights, which is a nice change of pace.

    I am on the 2nd to last week of Beta now and will be starting Gamma after that. Feel free to let me know if you have any questions.. or feel free to friend me if you like!
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    I'm starting today was suppose to start yesterday here is a group I made your all welcome to join

  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    I am on week three of Alpha and I am not sure what is going on. I have not lost any weight and my legs still hurt when trying to do any of the moves. I work out in socks, so maybe I should try using shoes? It is getting to where my legs hurt so bad that I do not feel like I am getting anything out of the workouts because I cannot even keep up with the modifier due to the pain.

    I would not personally recommend working out without shoes, so maybe that is the problem. I need to wear shoes with some support (for me, the Brooks GTS running shoes are great, but I also recommend getting fitted at a running store to find the best shoes for you). It may be a good idea to visit the doctor just to check that everything is OK.
  • Tanijay
    Tanijay Posts: 5
    congrats on starting T25 and your healthier you journey. I too started T25. I am now in week 3! I modified ALL of it until last week, and still modify a lot lol, but still breaking a sweat and it is still quite a workout! just keep pushing play!
  • Zakiya05
    Zakiya05 Posts: 36 Member
    I am on week three of Alpha and I am not sure what is going on. I have not lost any weight and my legs still hurt when trying to do any of the moves. I work out in socks, so maybe I should try using shoes? It is getting to where my legs hurt so bad that I do not feel like I am getting anything out of the workouts because I cannot even keep up with the modifier due to the pain.

    That's interesting. My first time around I was not losing that much weight either, but I was losing inches. Have you tried messuring yourself? Especially around the thigh and waist, that's where I lost the inches the most! Good luck to you!