Really need help from others to beat binging!



  • Zoex953
    Zoex953 Posts: 6
    You MUST read- Diet Rehab by Dr. Mike Dow- It is life changing. It talks about the physical side of why we binge.Everyone says "ask yourself why you are binging. What are you feeling?" There is a definate emotional connection as to why we binge, but even more than that is the chemical reaction that happens in our body when we feel that binge coming on. He "not only explains why we reach for the foods we do but also provides a step-by-step 28 day program that eases dieters off the foods they've come to depend on for emotional support. Sugary snacks like cupcakes can quell anxiety with feel-good serotonin and fatty treats like pizza can give us a boost of depression beating dopamine. But in both cases, the effects are short lived and ultimately leave us feeling worse than before- ad more inclined to reach for the same solace." The foods we binge on create chemicals in our brain that help us fight off anxiety, depression and boredom. This book addresses more than just the psychological reason for binge eating- It explores the science behind it and what happens in our brain and body when we consume fats, carbs and sugars. I guarentee it will shift your perspective on why you are binging.- just look into it and see if it is a book that you could benefit from reading- Good Luck to you! Friend Me if you want extra support and encouragement!
    Thank you I will definitely give that a read!
  • Zoex953
    Zoex953 Posts: 6
    I have really struggled with this too. I lost 1.5st about 18 months ago through sensible eating and exercise after becoming single. I got in a new relationship and managed to keep the weight off for quite a while but started to binge now and again but since Christmas it's been nearly all the time. Only two weeks ago I was overeating every night and felt terrible about myself and in general. I did swap some of the foods to healthier alternatives in my cupboard but then I would just binge on those too. I have tried all sorts and read lots of different things to try and sort myself out but nothing worked and then I had a terrible binge a couple of weekends ago when it went really over the top. I felt dreadful and somehow after that I still overate every day but it got a bit better every evening until last week and I seem to have snapped out of it. I don't know how it has happened and I dread falling back into the old pattern. I keep reminding myself that with eating right I have more energy, feel better and happier and have more self esteem. I no longer have the urge to lock myself away for the evening so I can eat all I can & that has had a positive effect on my relationship, sense of wellbeing and even quality of sleep. I am holding onto all the positive feelings that come with good clean wholesome foods and exercise. Being good and kind to your body really does help but it's so hard to get there, it's like a switch that just turns. So now I am fighting to get rid of the excess weight I gained while binging and even though I am disappointed in myself for getting to this stage I am determined to focus on the gain at the end. It's nice to know that I am not the only one that struggles with this.
    Hi ,
    I know exactly what you mean, good luck to you! we can do this!