Desperate and don't think I can do this!

I've tried to start 'a fresh in the morning' 3 times now as for some reason I've started binge eating at night and yet again its happened tonight and I've let myself down I feel disgusting!

So..,...I decided to put a post up to see if anyone had roughly same amount of weight to lose and going through the same thing, would be great too if they were in the UK, doesn't mater otherwise though!

After illness I put on 4 stone in weight and went from a size 8 to lets say double fingers (it upsets me that much I can't even tell anyone and cut the labels out my clothes!).

I'm really really trying to do well, I'm fine all day and eat a decent meal at night but then I've recently started bingeing at night, a lot too and I just can't handle it. I promised myself last night that I was going to start 'a fresh in the morning' and I've just done it again!

Would appreciate any help, advice or a buddy to get through this who's going through similar problems and has a lot to lose.

My fiancé is getting SO fed up with me keep going on about my weight and my insecurities, I'm just like a totally different girl than the one he met 3 years ago!

Help! x


  • chunkybun
    chunkybun Posts: 179 Member
    Here are some things I've tried to curb late night binging:

    1- brush your teeth right after dinner
    2- keep your hands busy doing a craft, puzzle or game
    3-drink a glass of water, wait 20 minutes, if you still want a snack, have something small
    4-keep healthy snacks readily available. Keep anything less healthy somewhere where it takes effort to get
    5- make sure your dinner has more protein than carbs. These will make you feel full long
    6-come onto MFP and read the "just for today" thread. You only need to eat healthy today.
  • SharonNehring
    SharonNehring Posts: 535 Member
    Since I know I'm going to want an evening snack, I just plan for it by ensuring I have some calories left after dinner. Then I pick something relatively healthy, like apple slices with a tsp of peanut butter, greek yogurt, cheese with a few crackers, sugar free jello or pudding etc.

    It's also important to figure out why you are eating. Are you hungry? Tired? Bored? If you are truly hungry, then you need to tweak your plan more. Bored, find a distraction. Tired, get to bed. If you can identify what is triggering it, you have a better chance at putting a stop to it.