
So I'm on week 4 of the alpha phase and I'm not sure if I should go through alpha again before moving on or follow the schedule and move on to beta? I use the modifier sometimes not all the time, I don't take breaks but I'm just not sure. Anyone else doing this and have any tips?


  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    Hey there! I've heard this question a few times and my answer to all of them was: KEEP GOING! :)

    Unless you're really uncomfortable with it, go ahead and move on to Beta doing the best you can. When you're done Beta, try Alpha again and see just how far you've come because I'm sure you'll notice that moves that are difficult for you now won't be as difficult in another five weeks! :) A lot of my friends did just that and they were amazed at how much better they were able to do the Alpha workouts when they came back to it!

    I'll be doing T25 myself starting on March 17th, feel free to friend me! :)