Pinched Never

I did T25 for 10 weeks repeating Alpha because I just wasn't ready to move on to the harder workouts at the end of the first 5 weeks. I was losing weight one to three pounds a week once I really started doing the diet and everything was going awesome! Then I noticed something weird going on in my foot where it would tingle anytime I did a work out, I didn't think to much into it until I woke up one day and my foot was numb. After reading up on it it seems like I have a pinched nerve. I cant get into the doctor any time soon so I put off my workouts last week because I read to stop doing whatever may have caused it. Now my foot feels fine but I'm not sure if I should just jump back into doing T25 or something a bit easier? I have an elliptical so maybe that? Does anyone have any advice other then seeing a doctor? I will do that as soon as I can but in the meantime I really don't want to stop working out, I love it. Last week I didn't lose any weight...didn't gain but didn't lose.

Also I put pinched never as the I hope people still look at it even though I am a dingbat. lol