diet and exercise with weight gain?

Hi Everyone!
I am new to myfitnesspal and was hoping someone could shed some light on my concern.
I recently had an abdominal aorta stent (blocked aorta in my abdomen) placed. I got the "okay" from my doc to join a gym and begin a weight loss plan.

I am about 30 lbs overweight and have modified my diet to 1200 calories a day and have spent 30 minutes spinning and 20 minutes fast paced (for me) walking on the treadmill every day for the past 8 days.

I've been very good about staying under my calorie limit and exercising each day.

In 8 days I have GAINED 3 lbs.
Very discouraging.

I have not had any issues from my surgery and I feel okay - I am finding it HARDER to do the same exercises from when I began. It's not getting easier, but in fact, it's more difficult to complete the small amount of exercise I began with on the first day. I found myself having to slow down today on my already beginner workout.

I am confused - is this normal? Should my simple workout be getting HARDER and why am I gaining weight instead of losing?


  • jmp463
    jmp463 Posts: 266 Member
    Good chance it's water weight of some sort. Maybe you had a high salt or carb day. I would not worry about it. I can fluctuate up to five pounds a day.

    However you do need to make sure you log correctly. Which means measure and weigh everything you are eating. Otherwise you run the danger of eating more than you think.

    Also I would get on the scale every morning at same time. The reason for that is you will understand how your body reacts to certain food and work outs. You will see the highs and the lows and you won't get to upset by it because you will know what caused it.

    Good luck. I wish you much success.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    water weight - It is very common to see a short term gain after starting a new exercise routing - muscles retain water when they are recovering. Keep it up and you will see it drop off in around a week. Also you need to take a rest day once a week. You are probably hitting a wall because you it sounds like you have not given yourself a day off.

    You did not ask this but for what its worth 1200 calories is pretty low intake and no fun to try to stick to. If you have your loss set above a lb a week I would lower it to that. Make sure you are eating back your exercise calories too.

    ~Best wishes
  • StraubreyR
    StraubreyR Posts: 631 Member
    I agree with taking a rest day. After a rest day is generally when I will see a loss. You need to give your body time to recover, especially in the beginning.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I agree with the water weight.

    But why are you at 1200 calories with only 30lbs to lose...

    Do you have weekly weight loss goals set at 2lb?

    If so that is too fast...change it to 1/2lb - 1lb and eat food

    Eating that low will cause weight loss but it isn't sustainable...and you will lose muscle with fat as well. That may be why you are finding it harder to exercise.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    I agree with the water weight.

    But why are you at 1200 calories with only 30lbs to lose...

    Do you have weekly weight loss goals set at 2lb?

    If so that is too fast...change it to 1/2lb - 1lb and eat food

    Eating that low will cause weight loss but it isn't sustainable...and you will lose muscle with fat as well. That may be why you are finding it harder to exercise.


    Also, do you have a food scale and did you do any resistance training? For you to gain 3 lbs of fat, you would have to eat 10,500 calories over your TDEE or maintenance calories.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I am about 30 lbs overweight and have modified my diet to 1200 calories a day and have spent 30 minutes spinning and 20 minutes fast paced (for me) walking on the treadmill every day for the past 8 days.

    I've been very good about staying under my calorie limit and exercising each day.

    In 8 days I have GAINED 3 lbs.
    The closer you are to goal, the more slowly you lose. That's just how the human body works. Set your goal no higher than 1 lb. per week (.5 lb. would be better), and be patient.

    Read this:

    Weight fluctuates day to day & throughout the day. Don't panic! Give your new calorie goal 2 weeks, then reevaluate. If you're still not losing, you're underestimating your food &/or overestimating your burns. Log everything you eat & drink accurately & honestly. Weigh your food. Try eating back half your exercise calories.