Recovering Couch Potato Support Group

ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I'm learning to change my habits and giving up my favorite activity -- sitting around in my recliner and watching TV/playing online. Who's with me?

I've set myself an activity goal for every day this week, and here's what's left:

Thursday: 30 minute bike ride, 20 minute DVD
Friday: 7 laps around track walking/jogging, 20 minute DVD
Saturday: 8 laps walking/jogging, 30 minute ride

I'll post new personal goals on Sunday.

I'd love to talk with some other people who are just getting into exercise and getting fit and may be facing the same sort of struggles I am--lack of stamina, worried about being judged being the fatty out on her bike/jogging/walking/etc. Feel free to friend me if you'd like.


  • oh i know exactly what you mean. and where i am its so hot outside that it just makes me want to stay inside and do nothing, but now that its getting cooler i will start trying to do better and get out walking and maybe even start running. (though maybe not since i live in a super super hilly neighborbood. i'm talking up down up down up down way more then is easy for running XD)

    hmmm i should make a plan of things to do once i'm off this horrid TOM i'm having at the moment. XD
  • I am with you! At the end of my work day I find it hard to get motivated to exercise (exercising in the morning isn't optional due to time constraints), and it's a comfy habit to sit down and watch TV/play games. I've been compromising, though - I still "play" with the Wii; doing "Just Dance" is my cardio for the day. I also have zero stamina, so I know how you feel, and I know exactly what you mean about being judged going outside.

    What DVD stuff do you do?
  • Amanda421
    Amanda421 Posts: 261 Member
    hey i'll join ya! i have set goals for the next 12 weeks. i like to power walk so here they are-
    3 days a week do C25k (30 min)
    2-3 days a week walk 1.5- 2 miles.
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    I'm glad I'm not alone!

    DVDs--I alternate between 30 Day Shred (which I have a hard time with), 10 minute solutions Dance, Crunch Cardio Salsa and Country Line Dancing. I was a dancer from childhood through high school, I've struggled with my weight since quitting it, but it's my favorite way to exercise, it's like having fun while I do something good for my body.

    Dancingdreamer--I feel the same way about the heat. I'm in the very Southern US and it's still 95 degrees out daily and it's really hard to motivate myself to get out there and bust my butt. I can't wait until it starts cooling down some!
  • Suedre
    Suedre Posts: 435 Member
    Believe me when I tell you, I HEAR you. I went to a couch potato to 5K based class. Problem is, most of the folks there were not Couch Potatoes. The few that were, dropped off in the first few weeks. Sometimes it was so HARD to be the one that couldn’t do the intervals. Literally, I couldn’t do. They would be at two minutes, I was at 1:30. They jump to 3 minutes, I’m still at 1:30. I was always at the back of the pack and the last to come in and the one that had to do the most walking, but I stuck with it and refused to quit. I just reminded myself I was doing it for me and not them. I was competing with me and not them. Next year, I will be them.

    I’m really glad I did that class. Now it doesn’t bother me in the slightest to be the not fittest person at the gym or the in a group class. I know that there are people that can’t do my “weenie” workouts and *I* was one of them six months ago.Just try it, as time goes by it gets easier and don’t ever forget where you started so you don’t go back.

    I’ll send you a friend invite, I love new friends. :)
  • lt3ag4s
    lt3ag4s Posts: 835 Member
    Can I still play PS3 games, as long as I am doing it from my exercise bike?
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    Way to go! That's great that you stuck it out, good for you! I keep telling myself that I could be worse, I could be worse.
    Which I learned is true. My husband was laughing at me for not being able to finish level 1 on 30 Day Shred and I made him do it with me and he wimped out before I did. Not that it's saying much, since we both wimped out before the end. haha. But every little bit is progress--It took me a long time to get this way, so I can assume it will take me a long time to undo it, but I *can* and I *will* push through.
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    Can I still play PS3 games, as long as I am doing it from my exercise bike?

    As long as you're peddling. :)
  • I will totally be your support! I sit at a desk in front of the computer all day, and I would go home and sit on my recliner in front of my computer all night. Enough was enough! I just ran a 5k (I'm 5'6" and 265 lbs. I know all about worrying about being the fatty at the party). I was the biggest runner, but after I started running, and I got over the fact that my butt and thighs jiggled more than anyone else's, I just did it. And I will never be skinny, but I can be healthy. Good for you for getting out of the recliner! I think that was the hardest part!
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    I think making the decision to get active was the toughest part, so far. Before, I'd say "I'll start, I'll start Monday...well, we're going to be going to a birthday party on Friday and eating cake anyway, so I'll start NEXT Monday." Now, I feel sad if I don't get my little bit of 'me' time exercising every day.

    Welcome Just Jus! :) I sit at a computer all day too, and then I go home and do things with the kids and don't really get much activity other than dedicated exercise time when my husband gets home (if it's not too late and he's not working OT) and I often feel bad for leaving the family to go walking, biking, etc. But the fresh air is so pleasant. :)
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    Good morning everyone! So what sort of physical activity did you do yesterday???

    I started level 1 of 30 Day Shred before bringing my daughter to dance, I made it through the first circuit before realizing it was time to go. After dropping her off, I went to the store and I parked in the furthest spot from the door and carried both of my boys (2.5 and 1.5, weighing 32 and 26 pounds respectively) inside before getting a shopping cart. Then I rode my bike for 20 minutes after my husband came home--I would have gone longer, but it was already dark and the path I was riding on was very empty and I was nervous....although it's unlikely a kidnapper/rapist would be able to pick my fat butt up to take me, I still get paranoid.
  • Amanda421
    Amanda421 Posts: 261 Member
    hehehe... i have paranoid thoughts like that when it starts getting dark too! sounds like you managed to squeeze in exercise though. i too have 2 young children (6 mos and 2yr) and have a hard time getting that "me" time in. but yesterday i walked 2.5 miles at lunch and went to the y and jogged 1 mile and walked some more :) today however is a different story- its sooooo hot outside (im in NC) so i did not walk at lunch and tonight i have to meet my bf for dinner. so no exercise :( i will go to the y sat. though. have a great and ACTIVE weekend guys!
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