Scraped my shin

today i was working with my trainer and part of my workout was doing jumps on a tall old wooden box. i really wasnt feeling it today but he kept pushing me really hard, to go faster, and at one point i didnt jump high in resulting in me slipping off the box. because of how old and how the edges were pointy with wooden splinters, i scraped/bruised my shin pretty bad and i even saw the white part of my skin. it was pretty gross. he sprayed antiseptic on it and banadaged it. then we continued our workout but idk if we should have.... now its pretty sore and painful, kinda limp when i walk. im just wondering if theres anything else i could do or if i need medical attention. also, should i skip leg day tmr?


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    I hate box jumps. I've seen so many people cut their shins open doing them. Anyway....

    It's a good idea to see a doctor when you're unsure. These things usually heal on their own, but occasionally they get infected. The shin bone can get infected too if it got damaged (called osteomyelitis).
    If the pain spreads beyond the wound area, or you get red streaks going up your leg, or your foot goes numb, go to the ER immediately, or at least call the ER nurse.

    Not sure why you have a leg day the day after plyometric leg work. Anyway, no, i wouldn't work legs tomorrow.

    By the way, next time you get a wound like that, flush out all traces of debris with lots of tap water, then use Betadine or Bactine spray, if available, or antibiotic ointment.

    Keep us posted..
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Not sure why you have a leg day the day after plyometric leg work. Anyway, no, i wouldn't work legs tomorrow.

    Injuries happen training. But they are to be avoided at all costs or at least their risk minimised so as not to interfere with your schedule.

    A good trainer shouldn't push you to the point where you're getting sloppy and making mistakes that can injure you in exercises that are plyometric, compound, technical, etc.

    A good training schedule does not have plyos the day before leg day.

    I can only conclude (on the admittedly limited information you've given us to go on) that you may need to look twice at your trainer and your schedule.
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    I was doing burpee box jump overs with 30 ' boxes...

    It was my final set of 20.... 5/5 sets.

    I was so fatigued in the end that I did a burpee, jumped, hit my shin on the box, flew over the box, and landed elbows first on the ground.

    I limped around bleeding and bruised for 2 weeks.

    Lesson learnt. Pace yourself when you do box jumps. Box jumps do NOT make your legs stronger. Squats do, period.