Hi guys. I'm pretty hopeless.



  • disneybrass
    Never refer to your self as "just average", and don't wish that you were bony or skinny. Curvy is not a bad thing ;) . I know it's hard when you care for someone and they ignore you, I went through it when I was younger, and you know what... ? I was at my most fit then. I did the "only if" game with myself too, until I figured out ( or opened my eyes) and saw he was the one with the problem. I am now with a wonderful man, my husband for 11 years. My weight has been up & down throughout our relationship and he has only loved me more!
    Take time now to learn to love yourself for who you are, not what you look like. Exercise and eat better for you! Both for your self esteem and for your overall health.
    If you can find a yoga class in your area (that's not too expensive) try to get into that too. It is a very positive "self" loving community. Sometimes we need help from others on a constant basis to reinforce just how wonderful we are!
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    just break up

    In, because someone had to say it.

    And, OP.... it looks like you have very little weight to lose, if any. If you're serious about getting a bit more fit, don't be eating at a mega-deficit. If you're not doing any resistance training, you should consider that. Not for him, for you. :wink:
  • sargessexyone
    sargessexyone Posts: 494 Member
    No amount of weight you lose is going to make him less of a pig.......

    My favorite quote is very fitting in this circumstance.

    You don't love a woman because she is beautiful. A woman is beautiful because you love her.

    He's not worth your time or energy Darlin. As hard as it is you need to move on.