Chicken & a *very* picky hubby



  • luvcookie
    luvcookie Posts: 97
    Awesome recipes :)
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    I soak chicken in buttermilk with about a tsp of rosemary in it over night, sometimes two, gives it nice flavor when grilled or baked.

    I also fillet my chicken breasts, in other words cut them in half from top to bottom so the pieces are flatter, more flavor for the entire piece of meat. and have great recipes use the recipe tool and there will be more than you can choose from :wink:
  • Marisela233
    Marisela233 Posts: 48 Member
    And I need to amend my original post to also include that my husband HATES veggies...:noway:

    Maybe you can make recipes that are delicious enough that he doesn't mind the veggies. Hopefully if you start eating better and he sees how much better you feel when you eat healthy, he'll jump on the band wagon. I think people who hate veggies just haven't been introduced to veggies that are cooked well. (Or they didn't eat them growing up.) You can slowly incorporate more veggies into your dinners - doesn't have to be a ton all at once! They even made a cookbook about hiding veggies in foods. :laugh:

    that would be me thankd goodness i found this post because i like chicken dont eat meat too often and DO NOT eat veggies at all iand i kinda think thats stopping me from losing weight :( where can i find this book??? or how would you suggest eating the veggies so they taste good i have never eaten any veggies EVER well just lettuce carrots bell pepers cucumbers a little tomato potatoes and I LOVE to use jalapeno peppers on alot of my dishes NOTE: these are what i see as vegetables LOL