NEW!!! 30 Day shred! Here I come!



  • Kristy1214
    I'm new here too and just started the Shred today! I think it's something I can stick with! I love the support of this site, and I need friends! Let's do this together :)
  • OhyesIam
    So I finally did the shred this morning!! Let's just say that Jillian kicked my butt! Literally!! Those that have done level one of the shred know exaclty what I am talking about ; ) Wow, it was so easy to get back out of shape. I actually had to two do the workout two times, I stopped so many times throughout the first run that I felt I didn't truely do the twenty minute workout, between the two runs I probably got one good workout. I only have five lb weights and they were difficult but I will push through it!! It was so funny, my 1 yr old daughter was watching me work out and everytime I dropped to the floor to do crunches my daughter said " mommy, are you dead?" Truthfully I was almost dead! I only have two weeks to get in shape for my 10 week extreme body-shaping class (lol never thought I would have to get in shape to do a body shaping class) but after that 20 minute workout and barely making it through I highly doubt that I will be walking out of the class under my own will.
  • fitnewlife
    fitnewlife Posts: 339 Member
    Congratulations on starting. The more you do it the better your endurance will be. It may have you a little prepared for your class and if not, just keep doing it in conjunction with the class. You'll really notice results.

    Keep up the good work.
  • Kristy1214
    I just finished day 9 today... I lost weight at first, but now have gained 3 pounds... not quite sure what that is all about... but i'm sticking with it! I'm holding out to retake measurements until i've completed the whole program. :)