food and me

I think I have kinda figured out two of my problems that cause me to over eat.
1. I wait till im hungry before I start to cook dinner and while im cooking it I basically eat my dinners worth in whatever food is near me junk or healthy its going in my gub.
2. When im in work I know what times my breaks are and I almost feel I HAVE to eat at those times, same with dinner its stuck in my head I HAVE to eat dinner between around 5.30 - 7.00.

Possible solutions;
1. I think will be slightly more easily tackled, don't wait till im hungry to cook dinner and if I think im going to be hungry by time I get home from work im going to have some fruit or nuts to do me till I get home.
2. This one is going to be very hard. I have noticed I kinda now start freaking out if I don't eat around the "expected" times. For example my work is pretty lacks so if I don't eat at my 10am tea break and am hungry by 11am I could just go get food an eat at my desk but I get up tight about it for some reason O_o. Dinner again if I don't eat before around 7 I start to get annoyed as I don't want to have to cook late (even putting something in the micro) and more so because if I eat something big to late it kills my stomach and gives me mad heart burn next day. The cooking thing isn't being lazy it just makes me stress because iv got so much to do and if I haven't ate by a certain time I might forget all about it which isn't a bad thing trying to loose weight but I look at my diary and see im low on say iron or whatever it makes me get up tight! I think im so uptight about meeting iron, protein ect because im veggie and everyone goes on at me about the usual "how do you get enough ..."
I used to miss meals all the time and not care and not be hungry or craving anything. I want to get back like instead of eating when im not hungry

Im just ranting I suppose but if anyone has anything that might help please post
Thanks for reading <3


  • teelynn35
    teelynn35 Posts: 239 Member
    I over eat because I love food. I over eat when I'm stressed, I over eat when I'm happy. It's a tough cycle to break, but recognizing why you do the things you do is key in success. Start packing healthy snacks to take to work. I eat something every couple hrs. Usually an apple or a banana in the morning for snack then greek yogurt or nuts for my pm snacks. Meal planning is key in my house. I plan out all my meals for the week on Sunday, make my grocery lists then go shopping (which I loathe) I also put the menu on the fridge so everyone knows what to expect and if they don't want to try it they can fend for themselves. I just recently cut WAY back on meat (which annoys my husband) but my body is thanking me for it. Anyways, hope my tips help and good luck!!