Goal weight - lower body issues



  • sshintaku
    sshintaku Posts: 228 Member
    How much of your weight loss journey included progressive strength training - 25%, 50%, 75% or 100%? Also, how large of a caloric deficit did you assume (ie average weekly weight loss)? Were you consuming in the neighborhood of 100% of your lean mass in lbs of protein grams (ie. have 95 lbs of lean mass and eat 95 grams of protein)? These are all important components in minimizing loss of lean mass as you experience a caloric deficit.

    I don't have access to heavy weights, so my strength training consists of 30DS, yoga and hand weights for upper and lower body (15-30lbs). My protein intake started at 40g, now I try to hit about 70-80g. I've always been fairly muscular, particularly in my lower body, and I only lost 13lbs so I don't feel like I lost a lot of muscle mass? Maybe I'm wrong, I'm not entirely sure how at all works out. I'm at about a 400cal/day deficit.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I ended up with this issue when I did primarily cycling for over a year. My lower half was quite muscular while my upper half seemed to have all but disappeared. I rectified this by taking up weight training so that it was balanced out, plus, I added a little weight in lean mass. I think that is the best solution, along with continuing to work on what you view as problem areas.
  • Swiftdogs
    Swiftdogs Posts: 328 Member
    I believe these woman are asking what happened to my breasts?

    No. What we're referring to is dropping weight much faster from shoulders and ribcage than from belly, hips and thighs.
  • kmglennie
    kmglennie Posts: 40
    I agree. Find things you love how you look in. We're all different. Scarlet Johannson (whose name I can't spell) has a body shaped like that too.

    I think ScarJo is more an hourglass because she's got some serious cleavage, but I totally agree on embracing the pear-shape! I am a size smaller on top than bottom, so I feel this.
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    embrace your shape girlfriend. i'm pear too. hips and all that are beautiful-- means you're healthy and will have very smart kids :) (that is if you have them.)

