HELP! Added exercise and now I am not losing any weight



  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    I have to admit that I never understood what was meant by eating your calories back. I just look at total calories out and try to hit the same deficit. So, on days that I exercise, I tend to eat a little more and have more of a deficit than on days where I don't work out as vigorously or at all.

    I figure as long as you have your deficit around the same level or averages out over time, it's likely pretty much the same. The one caveat I'd add is to have recovery meal/drink after heavy lifting, but figure that into your overall calorie totals.
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    I know I have read this on here before, but I really need input and help. Why is it I lose more weight when not exercising, but when I add exercise I stop losing weight. I don't believe it when people say that I am building muscle, so therefore that is why I am not losing because muscle weighs more. All I am doing is running 3-4 times a week (2 miles each time) and I am doing the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD with hand weights. I am not doing bodybuilding, and my hand weights are only 5 lbs each. The only thing that I can see is my body is getting more toned, but the weight loss is the same. I need to lose 25-30 lbs to be in my ideal weight for my age and height. When I have only dieted I lose 1 - 2 lbs per week. I have been exercising for 3-4 weeks and I have lost nothing. Actually it goes up, but then back down.

    NOTE: I would say I eat most of my calories 50% of the time. I rarely go over (1270 plus any exercise calories). I know that you should eat those exercise calories to refuel your body and help your metabolism. I do most of the time, but only if I am hungry or feel that my body needs it.

    Also, I finally took measurements over a week ago to see if I am losing inches and I am. However, if I am losing inches, then why is the weight not falling off like it did when I wasn't exercising? It makes no sense, especially when I need to lose 25-30 pounds to be healthy and have a healthy BMI.

    My guess it that's it's not that you're actually building muscle, but that you're minimizing muscle loss and increasing fat loss in your caloric deficit. Heavy lifting and sufficient protein intake have been shown to reduce lean body mass loss when in a caloric deficit.

    This is how it works. 3500 calorie = 1 lb of FAT. But 1 lb of MUSCLE releases much less calories -- something between 600 - 1500 (seems to be debate about what is the proper amount).

    So, if you have a 3500 cal deficit and lose all fat, you'll only lose 1 lb of body weight. But, if you lost all muscle, you'd see a much larger drop in body weight (something like 2.3-5.8 lbs). Now, most people lose both muscle and fat and the leaner you are, the more muscle you tend to lose in the same deficit (or the fatter you are, the higher the percentage of fat you lose). This is one reason why obese people can tolerate more aggressive caloric deficits than leaner counterparts before losing equivalent lean body mass percentages.

    So, likely, when you started exercising, you stopped or lowered the loss of muscle and increased the percentage of fat lost -- which is a very good thing as this will ultimately help you reach your overall fat loss goals quicker!, but it also slows the numbers on the scale.
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Also, I don't want to stop exercising because I do feel better....however, a friend of mine is on Medifast and has lost 75 lbs and looks amazing and added exercise a couple months ago and it also made her weight loss stop. The Medifast consultant told her to stop exercising because it was causing her stop losing weight, so she is back to just "DIETING" only and has lost another 10 lbs. in just a months time. That just doesn't make sense to me. Why would they tell her to stop exercising? I am not stopping because overall I will be healthier.

    When you eat at a caloric deficit you lose water, fat, and MUSCLE. That is why some people who eat at large deficits with no exercise lose so fast. When you exercise (mostly weight training), you prevent that muscle loss so the weight lost is mostly water and fat. The scale may move slower (or not at all thanks to some water retention as well), but as you noted, the inches can come off just as fast.

    What's better; lose at a high rate and drop LBM, or lose at a slower controlled rate while maintaining muscle mass (but still losing the inches)?

  • DoNotSpamMe73
    DoNotSpamMe73 Posts: 286 Member
    If you've increased your water intake or even if you don't it'll take a few days for each solid food day to come out of your system. You can be fluctuating 2 kilos one week and it'll drop down to the bottom of that fluctuation soon enough. Exercise doesn't mean weight loss though it often does mean fat loss. Also you can lose a kilo a week but it will not necessarily come off each week(trying to lose more than that intentionally isn't something you should do). Rather it averages to that. Often it comes of in blocks. I've found this true for me at least. The average will probably be 0.05 kilo to .75kg a week though.
    Don't worry. Action with soon show your achievements
    It isn't about speed. Everyone loses at different paces and methods. Take the time, because time is what we all have.
  • misty1040
    misty1040 Posts: 5 Member
    Drinking water really helps. Try drinking at LEAST half of your body weight a day. Upping your calories by eating protein will be a huge bonus, too.
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    I could give a crap what the scale says as long as my body is changing and I'm noticing it's looking HOT! :drinker:

    Simple and to the point...

    Ill just add..the feeling you get from excercising makes it worth doing it...if i wasnt id be sitting in front of the computer..something I have to do all day as it is.
  • jvl1973
    jvl1973 Posts: 36 Member
    I am so glad I read everyone's posts. I have continued with my diet and exercise and I finally lost 4 pounds this week. My weight had stayed the same and actually went up a pound on two. I took my measurements last night and couldn't believe the difference. So anyone that is frustrated with the scale, just be patient. Hard work will eventually pay off!