Too much healthy?

I've been religiously keeping track of my food intake, even on those days where I totally screw up and don't feel like putting my shame into a database. Consistently, however, my protein and fiber intakes are over the recommended. Sometimes by a lot. I know I'm suppose to be eating a lot of protein and fiber, but is there too much of a good thing?


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    MFP sets your protein limit at 15% of total calories, most users, that workout, find this to be quite low. It is safe over the long term to eat up to 30% total calories from protein (you can go up to double what MFP suggests and be fine). You can change you settings by going to goals, click change goals, select custom, make you changes then click save changes, that way you won't be over in some and under in others.

    For Fiber you should use MFP's guideline as a minimum amount not an ideal amount. More fiber is good, and as long as you drink enough water will aid health.
  • k_eye
    k_eye Posts: 18
    proteins and fiber will keep you feel full longer vs simple carbs and sugary sweets. so really - if you are going to overdo some eats those are the ones you want to be doing it with.

    make sure you do get the right amounts of nutrients going. Seeing a nutritionist is always a good idea imo - I have met one and she has given me awesome pointers on what i want to eat / when and how much.

  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    If I am going to be going over on something, then I would hope and pray that it is protein and fiber!

    Protein helps build your muscle that is torn down while you are exercising and aids in reducing soreness, increasing metabolism, etc.

    Fiber (as well as protein) slows the absorption process of sugars which decreases the insulin spikes which can lead to fat retention. Therefore, increased protein and fiber can greatly help with fat loss. :)

    As stated before, I manually change the ratio and calorie goals because they are different for each person, and we need to to determine what works best for us.
  • Beebee78
    Protein and Fibre are good thiings to go over on! xxx