Daily Food Schedule

I was just curious to know everyone's food schedule, if you have one. I, myself have set alarms for times that I should eat breakfast, lunch and dinner and 3 snacks inbetween those. I find that this helps me, and I wanted to share a pin I saw on Pinterest that breaksdown what you should eat in the mornings, afternoons and evenings (put I can't post a pic) so i'll write it out.

Breakfast: 7:00am
Snack: 9:30am
Lunch: 12:00pm
Snack: 3:30pm
Snack: 5:30pm
Dinner: 7:00pm

Do you go by a eating schedule? If so, how long and has it helped you lose weight at all? Thanks :)


  • idkimfathelp
    idkimfathelp Posts: 9 Member
    Will actually start for serious tomorrow, but my eating schedule is sporadic. The most normal would be:

    7AM - breakfast

    12:30 PM - lunch

    And the rest is magic. May or may not eat dinner. Also, will most likely sit in front of fridge and graze at around 12 AM post study session. And, no it has not helped me lose weight at all.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    during the week i have a set schedule...

    7am breakfast
    10am morning snack
    12pm lunch
    3pm afternoon snack
    4.30pm pre workout snack
    6.30-7pm dinner

    on a weekend i eat whenever i am hungry.

    meal timing has nothing to do with losing weight, you just need a calorie deficit for that!
  • josray2
    josray2 Posts: 1 Member
    I work overnights...is there a way to adjust the times schedule?
  • rainydays5
    rainydays5 Posts: 217 Member
    I eat at a schedule for the most part but it is completely unintentional. I am a mother to 5 kids and a full time college student. It is hard to put an exact time as to when I will eat but my schedule is something like this.

    9-10 am--Snack
    3:30pm---Snack (this is when the kids come home from school so that is more my "alarm" to have a snack)
    6-7pm---Dinner (sometimes it is a little earlier)
    8-8:30---Snack (depending on how long it takes to get the little ones in bed)

    I have tried to live without the last snack but found that if I do I crave foods even more.
  • appy85
    appy85 Posts: 28 Member
    I really don't have a schedule per say, I follow my body it tells me when I need to eat. But an alarm might make me stop what I am doing at work and eat the snack that I from time to time miss. I really haven't even been taking my meal prep too terribly serious. Every night before I meal prep for the following day. It hasn't posed a problem because I really don't have a life and right now I am off everything but weight training so I get that done and have nothing to do at home but get ready for the next day.
  • rainydays5
    rainydays5 Posts: 217 Member
    I work overnights...is there a way to adjust the times schedule?

    Make up a schedule that works for you. Put 2-3 hours in between the times you want to eat a meal/snack and see how it works for you.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I don't have alarms but typically eat my breakfast 30mins after I am done my coffee cause I get hungry.

    I may or maynot have a snack before lunch

    I eat lunch between 12 and 1 most days cause I am hungry

    snack at 3 or shortly there after

    Dinner is based on when I eat my snack or exercise...I prefer to eat before 7pm but that is due to hunger not timing...

    My schedule remains the same for weekends except for the actual times as I may sleep in on weekends therefore it gets pushed back by that amount of time.
  • lilmisfit1987
    lilmisfit1987 Posts: 183 Member
    I try to work on breakfast as soon as I wake up because I have gallstones and it helps reduce the risk of having a problem with them. Usually my 5 year old wakes me up between 8-9. I don't really have a snack between breakfast and lunch because I never feel hungry then, but I find myself hungry at night when I get off of work so I try to have a light snack then. Since my breaks rotate at work and I never get to eat at a solid time for dinner either.

    Breakfast 8-9am
    Lunch 12pm
    Snack 2:30pm
    Dinner 5:30-7:30pm
    Snack 11PM

    On my days off...

    Breakfast 8-9am
    Lunch 12pm
    Snack 3pm
    Dinner 6pm
    Snack 9pm
  • bebrooksie
    I follow this pretty much to a "T" on weekdays:

    Breakfast - 7:00 AM
    Lunch - 12:30 PM
    Dinner - 6:00 PM

    Snacks may or may not make it into my day and my weekends tend to shift since I will wake up a little later. If I have snacks it consists of sugar-free jello, cheese, coffee or a lot of water, lol.
  • williamshl10
    williamshl10 Posts: 60 Member
    I get up at 7:30am, and try to eat or drink some calories by 8am. I work a desk job, so I nosh on my breakfast from 8-10am. By 11am, I have my snack, eating it slowly until 12. Then at 2pm, I have my lunch. Eating it until I leave work at 4pm. Go to the gym, pick up kids and am eating dinner HOPEFULLY by 6pm. Then I usually have enough calories left over that when my husband comes home at 11pm, i have a bowl of cereal or ice cream. I know it's not really healthy, yet. But it definitely helps getting into this lifestyle knowing i can still have cereal or ice cream, just not so much! :)
  • Operation_Shred
    0600 - Breakfast

    1000 - Snack

    1200 - Lunch

    1430 - Shake

    1730 - Snack

    2100 - Dinner

    2200 - Shake
  • jnb143
    jnb143 Posts: 62 Member
    I guess this is my schedule
    Monday-Friday Wake up around 5-530 am - gym for 45 mins-1hour
    Breakfast around 8-830am
    Snack (if I'm hungry) 11am
    Lunch 1230-130
    Snack 530pm
    I try to eat dinner aroun 7-8pm

    Weekends are always different for me. I sleep in a bit and then follow the sameish routine above.
  • Of_Monsters_and_Meat
    Of_Monsters_and_Meat Posts: 1,022 Member
  • archaichoney
    archaichoney Posts: 132 Member
    Pre/Post workout
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Weekday Schedule

    Breakfast 8-8:30 ish
    Lunch 11-11:30 ish
    Dinner 5:00-5:30 ish
    Post workout snack: 7 pmish
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    1:00pm breakfast/post workout
    3:00pm snack
    6:30pm dinner and dessert
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    2:00 PM - Meal 1
    8:30 PM - Meal 2
  • meeulk
    meeulk Posts: 246 Member
    Breakfast: 8am
    Snack: 10am
    Lunch: 12pm
    Snack: 3pm
    Dinner: 6pm
    Snack: 9pm

    Unless it's gym day (where I workout from 6-7 and get home at 730pm), then I have a smoothie or something around 8pm.
  • laurie04427
    laurie04427 Posts: 421 Member

    350 calories per meal average is what I aim for.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Ideally mine is:
    7am - breakfast
    10am - confirming snack
    12.30pm - lunch
    3pm - afternoon snack
    7pm - dinner

    But usually it's:
    7am - 10pm EAT!!!