
I am 5'5 and 142lbs. my goal weight is to be 130. I've just begun my workout regime, my problem is sweets, I know i shouldn't be eating them at all especially since i am trying to lose 12lbs. Do you guys have any suggestions on what i can swap out for sweet cravings? I feel like i'm not losing any weight even though i am still working out


  • Cyclingbonnie
    Cyclingbonnie Posts: 413 Member
    Some will disagree with me, and I'm okay with that. Do not try to get rid of the sweets completely ... you love them and will always want them. If you deny yourself and say no more, you will feel like a failure when you give in. So therefore, simply limit. I find picking a day to have my treat (which by the way is not sweet, but salty crunchy) makes it easier to not indulge today. That works for me.
  • Steezburt
    Steezburt Posts: 23
    Try eating dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate. Also, peanut butter, frozen yogurt, honey, fruit smoothies, 100 calorie pudding snacks, Greek yogurt with the fruit
  • grimelle59
    grimelle59 Posts: 12 Member
    great thank you i will try that. i won't completely band them but i will try to have a special day for it.
  • grimelle59
    grimelle59 Posts: 12 Member
    thanks steezburt i'll try some of these snacks
  • slimfitnessmoms
    slimfitnessmoms Posts: 206 Member
    Hi. and Welcome!! You can add me for extra motivation and accountability :)
  • saranne1982
    saranne1982 Posts: 1 Member
    I have just started this and I need motivation I currently weigh 216 pounds :-( I have tried various diets but i struggle to stick to them My failing foods are Sweets, Chocolate, Chips and potatoes and Crisps :-( I have spurts of energy in which I have a cross trainer i use but lately I haven't had the enthusiasm to use it :-( Work has been stressful for me which I know probably won't be helping but I look and feel so fat and ugly :-( My husband says he still loves me but has mentioned that I could do with losing some pounds.
    Please could I have some advice and motivation to give me a boost.

    Sarah x
  • powellJulie1
    powellJulie1 Posts: 21 Member
    Hello! I tried to cut as much processed foods in order to reduce unwanted sugar and salt and I am eating more fruits ... it is helping with cravings. But I will agree that if you calculate everything you could on certain days take in account certain foods you like and control around it your foods count and workout and you should still lose weight! I added some granola cereals with dark chocolates and some healthier choices like mentioned above by others could help you control to indulge. feel free to add me !!
  • lucille_heather
    lucille_heather Posts: 650 Member
    im exactly the same. i just love eating sweeties!
    ive found that little berries like raspberries was a perfect alternation.
    they are sweet, and you can snack on them as you would sweeties. but are much healthier.
    now im addicted to them! haha.
    feel free to add me for motivation and support :)
  • goodc0re
    goodc0re Posts: 6 Member
    What helps with overeating sweets is this:

    - Have some protein every 3-4 hours while you are awake, it helps to keep the blood sugar stable
    - Drink a lot of water throughout the day! Some green tea is good, too
    - Make sure to not have any carbs that are fast releasing (like sweets, sugars, white breat, biscuits) at all, instead have carbs that are slowly digested such as oats, sweet potatoe, brown rice, whole wheat / granary bread
    - Have a meal every 3-4 hours
    - add a lot of vegetables into your meals to keep you full

    The first 2 weeks are the hardest, I used to binge on sweets and once I started a program of weight training, cardio and meal plans, I not only managed to stop eating sweets altogether, I could not imagine ever eating them again! (I ended up doing it again after a year when I had an injury, but at least I know it's possible!)

    If you want to be extra sure:

    - make a proper meal plan with timings and quantities, get it peer reviewed in a forum or hire a nutritionist to make the plans for you
  • grimelle59
    grimelle59 Posts: 12 Member
    Hey Sarah the hardest thing for me is sweets but i learned early on not to do everything at once. If you are really unhappy with the way you look then you have to start with one thing. Maybe start small with swapping out crisps for 100 calorie pack crisps or just baked crisps or even pretzels. then when you are ready swap something else like maybe juice or soda for water or tea. You could even add the flavors to your water. Then add exercise maybe try 10 minutes power walking a day and increase as you feel comfortable. I learned you shouldn't think of it as diet but just being healthy. You can add me if you'd like more motivation. Were here to help each other we all have flaws and feel down at some point. Its up to us to either change or be unhappy. I vote for HAPPY!!!
  • Lizplus3
    Lizplus3 Posts: 53 Member
    Hey there! I totally understand what you are saying. Sweets are my weekness. Everyone is correct (at least it was for me also) the first two weeks were the worst and I had to work really hard to not eat too many sweets. I eat Dark Kisses - 1 is 20 cals. so I just ate two or three when I really wanted a sweet snack. After the first two weeks sweets are almost too sweet and I don't really want them. It does get easier I promise! You can do this. You can add me if you want motivation - I enjoy cheering everyone on to their goal! I agree that you should not try to go cold turkey or you will be eatting an entire bag of candy when you give in. :) Just remember you have got this!
  • greytniki
    greytniki Posts: 51 Member
    Try little things at first like replacing processed sweets with say sweet grapes or an orange.
  • AbsolutelyAnnie
    AbsolutelyAnnie Posts: 2,695 Member
    I have a ridiculous sweet tooth and I refuse to give up chocolate. So I bought Ghiradelli Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips. Thirty-two (32) are only 70 calories. I have some every night and let each one melt in my mouth. VERY satisfying. Of course I log them in my food diary.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I am 5'5 and 142lbs. my goal weight is to be 130. I've just begun my workout regime, my problem is sweets, I know i shouldn't be eating them at all especially since i am trying to lose 12lbs.
    with 12 lbs to lose, are you set on MFP to lose .5 lb per week? If not, you should be. Anything else is too aggressive.
    Do you guys have any suggestions on what i can swap out for sweet cravings?
    You don't have to swap out stuff. Make it fit.
    I feel like i'm not losing any weight even though i am still working out

    You feel like you aren't... or you aren't? There's a big difference.
  • shomakhang
    shomakhang Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, im Jenny, and I'm not sure how much I weigh, I don't own a scale, but I'd say i'm about 185 lbs. i'm 5'6, medium build, very sedentary. my goal weight is 140 lbs. today i started on this forum and added my foods for the day and exercised. i want to make this a habit! i'm creating new neural pathways for a healthier lifestyle.
  • grimelle59
    grimelle59 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, im Jenny, and I'm not sure how much I weigh, I don't own a scale, but I'd say i'm about 185 lbs. i'm 5'6, medium build, very sedentary. my goal weight is 140 lbs. today i started on this forum and added my foods for the day and exercised. i want to make this a habit! i'm creating new neural pathways for a healthier lifestyle.

    Welcome, You can add me for motivation if you'd like were here to help each other!