Time change troubles....

Daylight savings time has really messed me up for some reason... I just cant get out of bed in the am to do my owrkout before work :( beggining to feel discouraged as i have not worked out in a few days.. anyone have any tips on getting motivated in the morning? Something that wakes you up???:yawn:


  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    This is why I don't exercise in the morning. It's too easy to sleep in. I wake up as late as I can, which is determined by when the children have to catch the school bus. I have much better workouts at mid-day when I'm wide awake and caffeinated.

    I wish I could offer more, but I only really got successful when I ditched the idea that I had to exercise on the morning.
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    I feel the same as the above user. I have a very hard time waking up and exercising immediately after. I can sympathize though. That one hour sure messes things up!
  • HerpDerp745
    HerpDerp745 Posts: 223 Member
    You can't pull yourself out of bed an hour earlier? There's no need really. What's the difference? It's been a rough week, right? You've done well so far, right? Why don't you just sleep in?

    So what if you're not getting your daily workout while others are? So what if you once imagined a more healthy you? So what if others are able to follow discipline to reach their goals? Who needs goals, OP? You're tired and just can't find the strength to get up that extra hour. Get some rest. Sleep tight.
  • jlynnm70
    jlynnm70 Posts: 460 Member
    I too am having a hard time with the morning right now (after all 6 am is really 5 right?) - cut the routine in 1/2 - sleep the other 1/2. Slowly work up to the whole thing within the next week or so as your body gets used to it still being dark out in the morning when you wake up and you get used to the time change.

    I figure 1/2 is better than nothing for a few days and then I just try to take a walk or something else later in the day.
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    Your body will adjust, it just takes a few days or even a week
  • LadyLeo813
    LadyLeo813 Posts: 11 Member
    I work out after work in the late afternoon/evening. I can't imagine waking up that early. Good luck girlfran.
  • sarafischbach9
    sarafischbach9 Posts: 466 Member
    i tell myself that the guilt for the rest of the day isn't worth it!
  • LVCeltGirl
    LVCeltGirl Posts: 473
    I usually do my workouts after work for this reason. I know that my sleep is just as important to my weight loss as working out so even if I was doing workouts in the morning, I'd be forgiving of myself as I adjust to the time change.

    Keep logging your food and keep attempting to get back into your routine. Your body will adjust soon enough.
  • MsMaryMac48
    MsMaryMac48 Posts: 89 Member
    I too am having a hard time with the morning right now (after all 6 am is really 5 right?) - cut the routine in 1/2 - sleep the other 1/2. Slowly work up to the whole thing within the next week or so as your body gets used to it still being dark out in the morning when you wake up and you get used to the time change.

    I figure 1/2 is better than nothing for a few days and then I just try to take a walk or something else later in the day.

    Agreed!!! Give your body time to adjust to the time change slowly. Unlike others I am not able to work out mid-day so an A.M. workout is my only guarantee that I will have time to workout at all. Like you, the time change is BRUTAL to my schedule so I have been waking up just thirty minutes earlier to get on the elliptical or treadmill. When I tell myself it's only thirty minutes it doesn't seem so terrible. Next week we will work on 40 minutes... I do sometimes have time to workout in the evening after work but depend on that as my only workout time since my evening schedule changes so frequently with family challenges.

    Give yourself time to adjust and you will be back on track in no time.
  • MsMaryMac48
    MsMaryMac48 Posts: 89 Member
    i tell myself that the guilt for the rest of the day isn't worth it!

    ^^^^^ AND THIS ^^^^^ I tell myself "I never regret when I DO get up and workout, but I ALWAYS regret when I DON'T".
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Wear your workout clothes to bed for a few days. It just makes me feel so bad when I am already dressed and still don't get up.
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    I have never been a morning person. I don't even shower in the morning because it takes away 10 minutes of sleep time.

    BUT I hated eating up my evenings with gym time rather than socializing or relaxing so I decided to switch to mornings. It was difficult at first but it gets easier. I started with just 1 morning a week and have managed to get up to 3 mornings a week. I prefer it because the gym is less crowded; all those endorphins first thing in the morning is amazing; and now my evenings are free so I can hang with friends, family or crash on the couch after work.

    I haven't noticed a difference with the clock changing at all so I can't offer any advice for that. But what I find motivates me is packing my gym bag and making my protein shake the night before and when my alarm goes off I say to myself "just do it or you'll regret it later".

    P.S. for every 30 mins I get up earlier, I go to bed 30 mins early. I am not a fan of losing sleep!