Is it still considered cheating?

WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I have a planned splurge that may or may not happen tonight. I put in the food that I think I will be eating just to see how many calories it might be close to and got -496 +. If it happens I want to be prepared so I just did 2 rounds of slim in 6 and a custom workout on the wii. I am now only -52 which is nothing! I can work that off No problem.

Is today still considered a cheat if I am eating not the best things but working it all off anyway?


  • I think it really does depend on the individual but I would say it still counts as a cheat xxx
  • Melora
    Melora Posts: 65 Member
    My opinion is today is NOT a cheat day for you........unless you are waaaaayyyy high on fat or process sugar.
  • I typically only consider it to be an official cheat if I went significantly over on fat or something like that, that usually goes through the roof with dining out and cheating. I usually try to exercise on my "cheat" days and meet my calories goals anyway, but something is always skewed - fat, carbs, sodium....
  • lt3ag4s
    lt3ag4s Posts: 835 Member
    If you are balancing it out with exercise, it isnt cheating. However, your body may react to your splurge in a way you dont want.

    I tend to do some late night snacking but hop on my exercise bike and burn it off before I eat it.
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    I wouldn't consider it cheating unless you're way over on your calories! If you are exercising too, I'd consider it eating your exercise cals!
  • I don't think it counts as cheating, but then, I'm only saying that cos I've done the same tonight... But I tend to keep losing anyway, so if it still works, then it can't be THAT bad.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I hate the words Cheat Day, but I guess we all phrase it differantly. What are you eating that makes it a cheat day....a whole pizza....desert???? I personally eat low carb, so cheating for me is not the cheats make me physically ill.

    I say if you are eating things that are clearly NOT good for you...specifically, then yes it is still a cheat day. But if they are not everyday......don't fret about it!
  • i really think it depends on the person. sometimes i find that a day over on cals then back to the grind helps me lose - not all the time and by no means going crazy but just a little jolt to my system.

    my thought is if you are that close to burning it off then just burn it off and keep moving. :) Its not so much about the classification
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Thanks all :)

    I guess the only thing that I don't normally eat that I would be tonight is the cheescake, brushetta and the many margarita's :wink:
    Other then my calories my fat is -3 in the red so it isn't ALL that bad. It was my birthday yesterday so I have been planning a dinner out for some time now. I am proud that I was able to work most of it off and with time to spare. I also have no clue exactly how much I will eat/drink and I was very generous with the sizes I entered. i promised no weighing tonight so I figure better to over calculate the portions then under.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,559 Member
    In my opinion, what we are doing on here is changing our lifestyles so I don't think "cheat" is the correct word. I'm not giving up steak for the rest of my life (or pasta or bread) so on the days I plan to have it (last night for instance, lovely porterhouse) I work out hard and maybe watch what I eat the next day a little more closely. You have planned this special dinner, you have worked out and are being aware of how much you are eating. Unless this dinner puts you in a downward spiral where you start eating giant meals all the time, I wouldn't worry about it anymore.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Today I was going to have a "cheat" by going out to lunch. I went to Subway because I really wanted a sandwich. When I logged it, I discovered that what I purchased fits right into my normal daily schedule without a hitch at all. So, nope, that wasn't a cheat at all, it was just cool that I found a sandwich that doesn't shoot my carbs and fats way up. :):):):):)

    Same for you. I wouldn't concider it a cheat. Especially if you are already compensating in other ways to make up for that meal...I mean, a "cheat" in my mind is something that just doesn't fit into your daily food plan very well at all. It doesn't belong there, and there's nothing you can do about except exercise A LOT. :)

    But, I also feel that having a cheat here or there is a good thing, not a bad thing. As long as we don't make it the norm, that is. :)
  • emalay
    emalay Posts: 159 Member
    No you are eating your exercise calories right!! So ENJOY!!
    Happy Birthday too!
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    In my opinion, what we are doing on here is changing our lifestyles so I don't think "cheat" is the correct word. I'm not giving up steak for the rest of my life (or pasta or bread) so on the days I plan to have it (last night for instance, lovely porterhouse) I work out hard and maybe watch what I eat the next day a little more closely. You have planned this special dinner, you have worked out and are being aware of how much you are eating. Unless this dinner puts you in a downward spiral where you start eating giant meals all the time, I wouldn't worry about it anymore.

    Perfectly said!
  • Call it an "indulgence" rather than a "cheat", particularly because you're doing it as a birthday celebration, and "cheat" is such a negative word. Keep it as moderate as you can, know you'll have to work extra hard to burn it all off, and enjoy :)
  • eaglemonster
    eaglemonster Posts: 156 Member
    If youve earned the calories, use them.
    If you eaten them first burn them off, as long as the net balance is in the right place you should be good.
    trying to loose weight not enter starvation.
    Therefore not cheating. Keep the good work up and weight coming off.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,725 Member
    I would only consider it cheating if you don't log it.

    But I'm easy that way. :smile:
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