How long did it take to get used to with the "new you"?

I am down to the 15-18% body fat range (male), which i dont think i have ever seen. Been "chunky" my whole life so this is a major change for me and my friends, family etc.

After wanting to look like this for so long (30 years), I actually find myself "uncomfortable" with the the new me. I am not too thin by any measure but so unused to myself in the mirror, it makes me uncomfortable. Anyone else experience these feelings? I assume time/adjustment is all that is needed but I am very surprised by the feeling.


  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I lost 30 pounds, so while not a life-changing amount, enough where my body went through some serious changes. For me, it took a few months after I started maintaining for my head to catch up with my body. It didn't make me uncomfortable to see the "new" me but more like WHOA! THAT'S ME?!?!