How to avoid idle snacking

What are your methods to avoid snacking/grazing during the day or night?


  • viglet
    viglet Posts: 299 Member
    I personally don't think there is anything wrong with snacking. Just make sure you snack on the right type of things.

    If it is a crunch you need, maybe popcorn, cucumbers with lime and hot sauce, mini bretons (you can have 20 for 100 calories)

    if it is sweetness, frozen fruit, grapes, apples

    You know, just try and make it healthy snacking instead of empty stuff.
  • ChrysalisCove
    ChrysalisCove Posts: 975 Member
    I chose to actually encourage & plan for mindful snacking... I find that it keeps my blood sugar balanced, my energy level up & protects against over-eating at meals! My meals each day only account for 1/3-1/2 of my calories & the rest are spread throughout the day in snacks, which I weigh & preportion into baggies. I find that if I have easy access to healthful, nutrient-dense snacks I am not tempted by "junk".
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    snack at night on anything you want as long as you stay within your calories. Last week I was snacking on chocolate covered almonds...this week it's milk chocolate speckled eggs...

    Prior to Christmas it was cheetos cheese popcorn....I just weigh out my portions ensure it fits..bam done.

    Oh smack your husband hand if it goes near your dish...I mean he can get his own...yours is measured.
  • viglet
    viglet Posts: 299 Member

    Oh smack your husband hand if it goes near your dish...I mean he can get his own...yours is measured.

    That is one thing that pisses me the hell off! When someone wants in on my treats. I fully measured this treat and I want to enjoy every single bite and then someone comes along and is all like "oh can I try that". Such a bummer.
  • melissamarah
    melissamarah Posts: 168 Member
    I was a big fan of mindless snacking. I would sit down with a giant bag of tortilla chips, thinking hey a few won't be so bad. I'd turn on the TV, and somehow I'd eat the whole bag. When I'm watching TV in the evening, if food is out on the table, I will eat it.

    I like the snack ideas people have put up. And if you're worried about portion control, I'd recommend portioning out snacks into baggies ahead of time.
  • ChrysalisCove
    ChrysalisCove Posts: 975 Member

    Oh smack your husband hand if it goes near your dish...I mean he can get his own...yours is measured.

    That is one thing that pisses me the hell off! When someone wants in on my treats. I fully measured this treat and I want to enjoy every single bite and then someone comes along and is all like "oh can I try that". Such a bummer.

    Lol - I lose a portion of all my best munchies to my toddler! I'm happy to share, b/c I'm so glad to see him loving the whole / nutrient-dense foods, but it is definitely a bummer when I've already measured / weighed out my portion. This morning I lost all but maybe spoonful of the yogurt for my granola ????
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Don't be idle!

    If I'm just sitting and watching TV, I'm always flipping through a magazine or working on sewing. My hands are ALWAYS occupied.
  • fushigi1988
    fushigi1988 Posts: 519 Member
    I eat more during my meals, my snacking went down.
  • Azchange
    Azchange Posts: 110 Member
    I agree with the comment "don't be idle."

    I ALWAYS eat though (6ish 'meals') I think the best thing for me is that I constantly eat, but it is planned and efficient. I also only have about 2.5 full hours a day of me time.

    5am - Wake up, make breakfast (350ish cal), be at work by 6am

    9am - Eat meal 1 at work (today is spaghetti squash, lean ground beef, and some home made marinara)

    1230pm - Eat meal 2 at work (lean ground beef, brown rice, seasoning meatloaf and 4oz sweet potato)

    315pm - Home from work, eat another meal (100 cal bread, with turkey + low cal string cheese and mustard or tuna)

    I workout from 4-5pm every day (breaks up my "rest time")

    530pm - Dinner is cooked, and I eat a small plate

    7pm - Eat second small plate of dinner

    830pm - Glorious chocolate or treat (I keep it to about 150 cal).

    So as you can see, I am ALWAYS eating. Especially at the dinner times, I will take a plate and eat the same plate for 30 mins (take a bite every couple of minutes). Eat low calorie nutritious food so you can eat a ton and still be under your calorie goal.

    My diary is open if you'd like to see some different idea's. It's not 100% perfect, I am NOT an all organic natural craze guy, I just eat what works for me and more importantly things I greatly enjoy.

  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    I budget my calories to allow for snacks
  • firefoxxie
    firefoxxie Posts: 381 Member

    Oh smack your husband hand if it goes near your dish...I mean he can get his own...yours is measured.

    That is one thing that pisses me the hell off! When someone wants in on my treats. I fully measured this treat and I want to enjoy every single bite and then someone comes along and is all like "oh can I try that". Such a bummer.
    This a thousand times! It's mostly my sister who decides to disrupt my count. She is starting to get the idea now since I give her glares lol. She can get some herself, just not from my pile. :P
  • laurie04427
    laurie04427 Posts: 421 Member
    That is one thing that pisses me the hell off! When someone wants in on my treats. I fully measured this treat and I want to enjoy every single bite and then someone comes along and is all like "oh can I try that". Such a bummer.
    Heh that's the truth!
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    I find that if I eat good, solid meals with plenty of protein, fats and carbs, I'm not hungry and don't have the need to snack. A good breakfast carries my through 4 hrs to lunch. A good lunch carries my through 5-6 hrs until dinner. No need to snack, unless I need more protein to hit my macro.
  • climbing_trees
    climbing_trees Posts: 726 Member
    I will snack on celery or cucumbers or broccoli or other super low calorie density foods. I like the act of snacking, even if I'm not hungry I will do it. Doesn't really matter what it is, I just am bored/tired/cranky and want to do the motion of putting food in my mouth and chewing.
  • Kenazwa
    Kenazwa Posts: 278 Member
    Idle snacking has been a huge problem for me, and it's hard to log a bite of this, a sip of that, a handful of these, a pinch of those ..............

    Now I try to keep myself busy. That works the best to keep me out of the kitchen. Therefore, my best advice would be to take on a new hobby or project - something that keeps both hands and mind occupied.
  • glamourousdez
    I completely agree with Viglet. Snacking is good as long as you have SMALL HEALTHY snacks. I think the problem with snacking is that people will have large snacks or have snacks that are unhealthy( ie chips or candy). I snack on prunes, apples or even special K strawberry crisps (if I'm wanting something sweet). If your hungry then eat something. I pack my lunch before work and have everything pre-portioned out....even my snacks, that way I do not over eat or eat anything I know is not good for me.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    I stick sellotape over my mouth. Thing is, I end up eating the sellotape...
  • RachelS1993
    I try and drink water to fill me up before snacking to see if it'll ward off the cravings! It usually works :)
  • KimberlyinMN
    KimberlyinMN Posts: 302 Member
    I limit the snacks that I even have in the house. Hmmmm... I think we only have 100 calorie packs of microwave popcorn and sugar free 40 calorie fudgesicles. Well, we do have tortilla chips and Fritos, but I guess I don't think of those as "snacks". Or at least I've never snacked on them, I weigh out an ounce to eat with a half sandwich.