Looking for additional support

I've been on and off my fitness pal for a while now. Because I'm such a private person that I've never communicated with anyone on here other than a few friends on my list that I personally know. Not all of them communicate or log in daily though. I put in one of my status updates (Partially on my fitness pal) the following so it give you a little background about me and I hope to make a few friends on here for that extra support that everyone needs from time to time when your other support system may not be around. So feel free to connect with me. FYI. I log into the app most of the time from my phone and there's no access to the community forum from the app...so direct messages/friends requests will get to me faster.

"I'm a mom. I don't have time for anything. I don't even have time to make time, especially with 4 kids...one only being 8 1/2 months old. I know that in order to achieve anything, you have to make the time. Even with my hubby's busy work schedule and our busy family/home life, its a struggle just to be a couple and we have to make the time in our life for us to achieve that. Same thing with ones self. It's been a struggle for me losing the baby weight from my most recent pregnancy, and even harder because of my back and shoulder issues. The hubby's been pretty caring and supportive through my struggle, so now the hubby and I have a work out pact going. And so that we can focus on our personal goals with each others joint support and without interference from any of the kids, we joined a local and affordable gym late last night. Not only can we get out of the house and spend time together, we can also work on getting back in shape and improving our overall health. — feeling excited."


  • mactaffy84
    mactaffy84 Posts: 398 Member
    That sounds like a good start, making that pact. I know how it is with kids, though I only have two. And they are older now, so we can leave them at home if we need to! Just keep on going!