Between now and October 4th

Becky011 Posts: 384
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Do you think it is unreasonable to lose 4.6 pounds between now and October 4th?

My goal (see below) was to steadily lose 2lbs a week or to somehow average out that way.

This would take me from 176.6 to 172.2 Monday October 4th. I know that hitting this would really motivate me (not that I am going to give up or anything, I just know that would be a great excitement and encouragement for me.) I'm trying to lose it slow steady and healthy and its a challenge (i'm use to crash diets where i lose fast and subsequently gain it back.)

Thoughts? Suggestions? what worked for you? I would love any feedback you got for me!


  • Booper83
    Booper83 Posts: 70 Member
    I think you can do that. That's two weeks to lose 5 pounds. I have heard of so many people losing 5 pounds in one week from not drinking anymore soda, drinking alcohol, junk food, etc. If there is one bad food you love, stop eating that and workout 1 more time a week or 5-10 minute more in your regular workout and you should see results. Hope this helps! But, YES, you can totally lose 5 pounds in 2 weeks!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I do not think that it is unreasonable at all, as long as you keep that rapid weight loss and serious attack plan on the short-term. When you hit your goal on your goal day, I would go back to losing between 1-2 pounds per week to stay healthy and to keep the weight off.

    Bodybuilders do this all the time. Right before a competition, they tighten their schedules for fitness and nutrition and drop body fat FAST. After the competition, they go back to "normal" so they don't stay so drastic all the time.
  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    I'll play quasi-Debbie-Downer here. I think you're smarter to slow down your weight loss a little bit, to be a teensy bit more patient, and know that in doing so, you're more likely to make the lifestyle changes that will keep the weight off.

    It's taken me about 9 months to lose 40 pounds, which averages out to just over a pound a week, but I know that I'm eating healthy, yummy foods and I'm doing this in a way that is sustainable. Exercise is a normal part of my life, and so is healthy food. You might find it easier to stick with it if you slow down a little.

    That said, for this ONE time, could you do it? Probably. But then you have to decide whether you might be inspired to keep going on short sprints like that, and decide if that's worth it...

    Either way - we're all super proud of you!! And we all want the best for you :smile: and congrats on your losses so far!! :happy:
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