Do you ladies weigh yourself when your menustrating?

jwrnjjp Posts: 8
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I was supposrd to weigh myself yesterday morning since it would be the first week on MFP but I got my period. I feel like I would weigh more since bloating is present and everything else that goes with it. What do u ladies think?


  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    I do still weigh myself BUT, saying that, I know I gain about 2lbs during that time of the month! It keeps me on track but I kind of mentally subtract 2lbs anyway so in a way it's a pointless exercise! LOL

    May be worth weighing yourself now and then again a day or so after you come 'off' as a guideline for what's normal for you.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I don't like to EVER weight myself during TOM because I always weigh more than I should during that week. Mostly this is water weight and shouldn't affect how we feel or think about how large or small we are, but to keep my psyche in check, I just don't do it.

    That being said, I started a new program this week which makes me weigh myself every Sunday. I also have to take a caliper measurement, too, that way I get more accurate body fat measurements. I think it's best to use factors such as inches and body fat changes in addition to just the scale anyway. :)
  • summerblunden
    summerblunden Posts: 184 Member
    I weigh every week, regardless. I just know when it is that TOM, I may weigh more, but if that is the case, I don't let it get me down. Some women on her weigh, some skip. My whole motto with this is to be completely honest, even when I know I'm not going to like the answers, so I log on cheat days, and weigh when it may not be the best time.

    Up to you.
  • SylvieJacques
    SylvieJacques Posts: 113 Member
    I do but with a grain of salt... I know that I can easily be up because of that so I am aware of that if the scale show me up and don't let it get to me. I weight myself anyway so I don't assume that it doesn't matter what I eat during that week... but I loosen up my expectation for the week. :) if this makes sense.
  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    I do, but every time I do and it comes out a lb or so heavier than I'm expecting, it puts me in a foul mood and I'm more likely to eat out of frustration.......... so I would probably recommend skipping it if you remember, and if not, just remember it's probably just the awesomeness of bloating and not actual weight gain!!
  • Yes, but I am aware that I retain 2-4lbs in water.
  • katkat987
    katkat987 Posts: 100 Member
    I leave it until a week after i come off, that way the weight difference seems so much better, and theres no period pounds on your scales.
  • I weigh every week, regardless. I just know when it is that TOM, I may weigh more, but if that is the case, I don't let it get me down. Some women on her weigh, some skip. My whole motto with this is to be completely honest, even when I know I'm not going to like the answers, so I log on cheat days, and weigh when it may not be the best time.

    Up to you.

    I do every week no matter also. Even when I cheat. (Like I did yesterday) I just didn't finish logging on my diary. I told everyone what I did wrong and left it at that. When it is TOM I know I may weight more depending on if its a heavy day for a light day. Even if its a gain I log it and take note of why. I want to be totally honest because this is going to be a lifestyle change. I will even log everything even after I reach my goal cause I don't want to be fat again. 220 is hard on my body and my life.
  • I do, it's the week before that's the killer for me. Once I start, all the bloating goes away.
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    i only weigh once a month and NEVER on or near my period! I dont need that kind of depressing news lol I used to weigh weekly including on TOM and would get upset when I was higher and either eat a bunch or eat way too little. neither was good!
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    No don't weigh til the following due day. I do like it though when my period arrives the day after weigh-in day because then I think I'm even lighter than I thought!
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    I do weigh, but don't log it as I know I'll be a a few lbs heavier due to water retention.
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    Ok you are all going to hate me , but I don't find I gain any weight during the TOM, I actually find it easier to lose weight that week. Maybe its b/c I take midols like they are candy ( I have bad cramps) or maybe its because I try to eat extra good and still workout so I won't gain any weight that week. I like to use my period as a challenge lol... where most people say its when they gain weight I make it a competition with myself to be that one who loses!

    Good luck ladies with TOM and don't let it get your down!
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    oops it added my thing 2x
  • I was on TOM the past 2 and half weeks. (1st cycle since giving birth) and my weight didn't move. At all. Not a oz either way. But i was VERY bloated. I looked really big but it was just water. So i'm ok. Hopefully this week, I'll lose some :)
  • carreen
    carreen Posts: 175 Member
    No!! I know it's water weight and not fat, but it's still too discouraging to see it. I just skip weighing that week and weigh in the next week. Then the 2 week weigh in is usually awesome!
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