When do you log your food?



  • kborton1122
    kborton1122 Posts: 914 Member
    Usually right after I eat it, but I try to log before I put it in my mouth. Especially bigger meals, or end of the day so I can see if I go over BEFORE I put it in my mouth.
  • oc1timoco
    oc1timoco Posts: 272 Member
    Usually the day before
  • BourgeoiseX
    BourgeoiseX Posts: 23 Member
    I log my food right before I eat or while eating.
  • GardenGirlie
    GardenGirlie Posts: 241 Member
    I pre-log each morning and then once I have drank and logged all my water for the day I final it out at the end of the day before bed. Sometimes things change up a bit but for the most part I know in the morning what my day will consist of food wise.
  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    I try to do it ahead of time even if just to see what's for dinner and plan around that as it's the only meal i don't prepare myself. Like this week i was given a rough idea of the menu from monday to sunday so i can get the basics of it done and add to it if stuff changes. It makes me feel better that i know if i want a snack i have allocated enough spare points for one.
  • omgitsrubyy
    I try to always log before but that doesn't always happen. Logging before helps me realize how many calories I'm about to take in so that way I can adjust my meal/snacks to fit within my calorie count.
  • wyattj99
    wyattj99 Posts: 454 Member
    I log every morning except Sundays my wing day but those days I log in the morning being prepared can change once in awhile but 90% of the time I know.
  • Ibleedlipstick
    Ibleedlipstick Posts: 33 Member
    I log before or immediately after. I try to avoid waiting until the evening because I find it is easy to forget little things, like the two kisses I picked up from a coworker's desk or the 6 tootsie rolls I ate while waiting in the car. The little things add up quickly!
  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    Depends. M-F I usually have the same thing for breakfast protein shake with skim milk so I log that as I am drinking it. Lunches M-F I log usually in the morning too since I know what I am taking to work to eat for lunch. Dinner is usually logged after I eat it or if it's a gym night it might be a protein bar so I might log it in the afternoon.
    Weekends I usually log as I eat it. If I end the day and close out the day and end up eating something else that night. I will go back to that day and log it. I log everything I eat good and bad and am honest about logging it all the good the bad and ugly!
  • Bounce4
    Bounce4 Posts: 288 Member
    I prefer to log before. Especially if I'm weighing and measuring or scanning things. Even if I'm just winging it with some thing close in the database I prefer to know before I eat it. I tend to think about it to much if I don't and I don't want to think/worry about calories when I'm actually eating. Doesn't always work out like that though and then I just roll with it.
  • KarissaA
    KarissaA Posts: 29 Member
    It depends on if I've planned ahead. Some stuff, I know already what I'm having. Other times, I'll log after each meal and find after dinner that I'm way under. At least I'm very rarely over. :)
  • smc864
    smc864 Posts: 570 Member
    I usually pre log my meals in the morning while having my coffee. Snacks I log before I eat them to see how well they fit into my macros.

    I could never log everything at the end of the day... I would go over without a doubt.
  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    I log what I can ahead of time and make any changes as they come.
  • loubidy
    loubidy Posts: 440 Member
    As soon as I have signal.
  • MandyMason7
    MandyMason7 Posts: 185 Member
    I pre-plan my day the night before, I can always make alterations but for the most part I stick with what I have planned.
  • drapleb
    drapleb Posts: 34 Member
    I plan and log the majority of it in the morning before work. It gives me an idea of where I will be out calorie wise and how many calories I have available for snacks if I feel I need them. Also it eliminates my excuse of 'I just got busy and didn't have time'
  • wannakimmy
    wannakimmy Posts: 488 Member
    I am more accountable to myself if I log it before. Especially what I pack for lunch at work. If I don't eat something I can always take it off when I get home. If I am at home I for sure log it before I eat it to ensure I don't go over my intake. If I'm out and about I make a note of it and log it when I get home.
  • chelso0o
    chelso0o Posts: 366 Member
    I have the app on my phone, and I actually log while I am in the process of eating, or right after. Depending on if I am by myself or not.
  • brittk2013
    brittk2013 Posts: 141 Member
    I try to log what I think I'll have for dinner at the beginning of the day so I can plan the rest of my day around that. I overestimate to give myself room but know I can still have that much if I want it. For everything else, I plug it in before I eat it. Seeing how much it's going to cost out of my calorie budget helps keep me conscious of what I'm eating and if it's worth it.
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    I'll log most of the week in advance. We preplan our menu for the week to facilitate our grocery shopping. My lunches do not vary much, and I'm not a breakfast person. Saturday we will usually eat out and that takes most of my calories for lunch.