Jillian Michaels Extreme Shed & Shred

I just did this DVD for the first time today and really enjoyed it. It's high intensity with 2 different levels and lots of variety. It certainly pushed me, though it's probably not really any harder than her "30 Day Shred" DVD, which I love.

I'm going to add it to MFP as 30 mins circuit training. (People commonly entered 30 Day Shred as 20 mins cross-training).

One slightly strange thing I noticed - during the cooldown, Jillian goes into a life-coach like speech. I actually quite like it because the psychology side of losing weight is very important. I was just surprised to find it on an exercise DVD! I wonder if it's because Jillian also has a self-help book published?!

In any case, I would highly recommend this DVD. It's way cheaper than the gym and all you need is a mat and hand-weights (or bottles of water).



  • fitnesslover74
    fitnesslover74 Posts: 42 Member
    Cool! I'll have to try that one out. I am always looking for some variety. She has not let me down yet!
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I have a bunch of her DVDs and that one is definitely a favorite! Great workout.

    Jillian does have a few books and she's currently doing a "Maximize Your Life" tour in which she talks about nutrition, fitness, and then a huge segment about being happy/getting the most out of life. I went last year and really enjoyed it. See if she's coming to your area!

  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    I'm excited to hear that this is a decent workout! I just received an email to get the DVD for free (just 4.95 s&h) and a week of her online fitness program. I can opt out of the fitness program after a week, or decided to stay in at $4 a week. I'll just put an alert in my calender to opt out in 7 days. I think I'll do it :)
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    I like it too! Haven't been able to do both right after each other due to time restraints tho. Maybe I should save it for a weekend :yawn: