Getting Started On My Weight Loss Journey (any tips)

I am 17 years old I used to be very active and played many sports from tennis to gymnastics to soccer. I suddenly lost interest in sports. I now weigh around 165 lbs (most of this is now fat). I would like to know where to start. According to my weight and height (5'7) I should be consuming around 1,200 calories a day. My breakfast may consist of an apple and oatmeal with water. My lunch may consist of a turkey sandwich, my snack may be hummus and pita chips( small portion) and for dinner I would eat a protein and 3 veggies. According to my food log I'm eating under 1,200 calories. I'm very confused I was told my body might be entering starvation mode. I only consume water. Also is it safe to drink 2 gallons a day ? I am told this is supposed to help. In terms of exercise I do high calorie burning workouts for at least 35 mins+. I work out 6 times a week. One day may be yoga, pilates, then cardio or weightlifting. I am currently a size 14 which I'm not happy about. I will say that I don't even look like a size 14. Most of my weight is in the lower half of my body(thigh,calves,hips,butt). Any tips on how I can stay motivated ? I was also thinking about taking CLA pills. Is that a smart decision?


  • heidihorton
    heidihorton Posts: 110 Member
    Hi! After reading your post I have to agree that you are lacking calories for the amount of activities you are doing, make sure you are logging your exercise and eat back at least 1/2 the calories you earn... Not eating enough will decrease weight loss and also over stress your body with that much activity. I have been on this road for a long time , I was also a gymnast and played volleyball, baseball and soccer in school. Dropping those activities from my routine add weight fast but also moved it. Had very large legs( muscled) and firm arms to.. Flabby arms and definition loss in my legs. Never mind the spare tire. Try to add an exercise that may be lower impact and more cardio this really helped me I spent years doing heavy lifting, full out workouts. Times change and so do our bodies
  • Hi! I'm 17 too, and I've lost 20 pounds so far (want to lose 5-10 more).

    - The food you said you may typically eat sound great, just don't get bored. Stay on that track.

    - If you're eating under 1,200 calories, you'll need to eat more. Maybe eat another healthy snack or whatever you need to get in enough calories.

    -Your body can definitely get deprived of energy and nutrients if you aren't eating enough.

    -My go-to phrase is "Eat Better, Not Less"

    - 2 gallons a day is a bit much. Even 8 cups a day has been considered too much, but make sure to stay hydrated when you work out, and always drink water when you're thirsty.

    -Stick with your workouts but make sure, again, that you're hydrated. Have a healthy snack after your workouts. Have fun with them, and give yourself a rest and listen to your body.

    -I wouldn't try to take any pills at this point.
  • rayzerwolf
    rayzerwolf Posts: 203 Member
    I would eat more find out what your metabolic rate is.

    I get what I call hangery if i eat under my MR which is close to 1550, your body needs a certain amount of calories to function properly. I eat half of my exercise calories back some times all depending on how i am feeling I eat rather healthy 80% of the time i am not perfect.

    Motivation is the hard part I always lost it when i think about how i would like to look rather than looking at the progress i have already made. So look at the improvements don't worry about the scale measurements are the way to go. Sounds like you are already doing what you can for exercise.
  • WampBreh
    WampBreh Posts: 15
    1200 calories per day is insane! With your activity level and the fact that you are still a growing person you should be on AT LEAST 2000 calories per day.
    Your example diet looks fine but you need more of it and, believe it or not, MORE fat. You need fat for (some) vitamin absorption and skin and hormone health among other things. You are too young to be risking your long-term health like this for a short-term goal.

    CLA pills is NOT a smart decision, no. Save the money from that and purchase some cod liver oil.