


  • ChaplainHeavin
    ChaplainHeavin Posts: 426 Member
    I have a couple of glasses of wine every night with my evening meal. I don't have any desires for sweets and rarely eat junk at night so as long as I keep within my calorie quota I'm fine.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    When you try to make changes and get healthier, you run into these kinds of walls.
    Get some help in necessary, but push through! Your body/mind may be dependent on this habit... so it may be hard to change.
    Be patient with yourself, give yourself weeks and months to heal from your need to do this. You can change! Do it!!
  • Autk79
    Autk79 Posts: 283 Member
    Alcohol is my biggest downfall with losing weight and Im trying to slow it down but what I seriously dont get is when people say dont go over your calories when drinking. So lets say I drink 800 calories and Im on a 1300 calorie deficit. People think its seriously ok to only eat 500 calories all day and go out drinking or starve yourself all week cutting out 150 calories a day to make up for saturday lol? Man Id be a cheap date and a sloppy drunk... Just sayin
  • Amattaway1
    Amattaway1 Posts: 9 Member
    I understand this! I'm like the story "if you give a mouse a cookie."
    If you give me a glass of wine, I will want some cheese. And some crackers. And another glass of wine. And some more cheese. And maybe some of those other crunchy things I had stored away...
    I do much better when I work out in the evening and come home TIRED!

    ME TOO!! I couldn't have said this better myself :laugh:

    I try to work out on Friday evenings in order to curb the urge to drink and eat the bad stuff... it works pretty well, if I can fit it in. Saturdays I usually just aim for maintenance, especially now that I am closer to my goal, but I do try to limit my calories during the day on Saturdays since I know I'll be drinking that night.

    Good luck!
  • leti126
    leti126 Posts: 179 Member
    As a college student I find it really difficult, to not drink out with friends on the weekend. I don't mind it if I'm not the only one, but its really hard to go out and have fun when everyone else is drunk and being ridiculous. I eat healthy and exercise during the week but weekends come and the drinks are what kill me. Even if I don't eat the hangover food.

    P.s. feel free to add me as a friend for support
  • Skittle_BoomBoom
    Alcohol is one thing I definitely struggle with. You are not alone. I just love drinking.
  • caellen518
    caellen518 Posts: 14 Member
    I totally feel you OP. I am a huge wine lover and used to frequently have 2-3 glasses after work to relax and a bottle+ on the weekends. The only things that cures my hangovers? Everything bagels with cream cheese or McNuggets. Not the healthiest way to start a Saturday or Sunday morning!

    Right now I am abstaining from alcohol on weekdays. I drink green tea + lemon for something to sip on while I'm watching TV, and I try to go to bed earlier. I still drink plenty of wine on weekends, but I make sure to stock my pantry with bagel thins and healthy crackers (big fan of 'Back to Nature' brand - salty, but much healthier than chips or cheez-its). So far they've been really helpful and kept me from running to the local bagel shop.
  • Ashleybrooke8783
    Ashleybrooke8783 Posts: 13 Member
    I love craft beer and I won't be successful long term if I don't allow myself some from time to time. Every weekend is too much for me but I found in the past, that if I ate healthy all day and in between beverages sipped in club soda with lime, I would drink half as much but still feel like I was not restricting myself
    Also in Germany they snack on sliced radishes with a bit of salt... This tastes amazing with beer! I also will eat celery or if I am home, roast up some cauliflower til it's crispy and eat with hot sauce and blue cheese in lieu of wings
  • mermaid00
    mermaid00 Posts: 8 Member
    Yup. I had a really REALLY rude wakeup call in late January when I got on the scale for the first time in months and saw how much weight I had gained since the weather turned cold and my daily 3 mile walks were brought to a screeching halt. (I'd added another 10 lbs. on top of the extra 25 I was already lugging around)

    I am a homebrewer and love craft beer. I also like good wine, expensive bourbon, and weekly "meetup" groups that involve some sort of happy hour type of activity.

    I had to make a decision about whether or not I wanted to just keep getting fatter, or face the facts that alcohol has a TON of calories (especially craft beer.. yow!!)

    If you drink at home, measure every cocktail and/or measure every glass of wine. Buy smaller glasses for wine so you're not so tempted to fill up the big honkin glass with 300 calories of the good stuff.

    When you're out on the weekends, stick to drinks like flavored vodka in a big glass of club soda and then track how many of those you have. Alternate between alcohol and non alcohol drinks. (for non-alcohol drinks order club soda and a twist of lemon or lime - avoid tonic water because it's not calorie-free).

    Food at home is easier to control - I really love radishes or celery dipped in salt, roasted (until black & crispy) cabbage or kale chips, If you have any say in the restaurants you hit with your friends over the weekend, see if you can find places that have great salads on the menu and/or stuff like chicken or beef satay, tuna tartar, ceviche, avoiding "pub grub" if you can - at least until you know you can stop at 1 or 2 wings, etc. :)

    Just keep tracking how much you're consuming - even if you feel too guilty to write it down - before you order another stout, pina colada, whiskey sour... make a mental note of how many calories you're going to down.

    (Guilt is an effective motivator for me - so is reminding myself that I'm going to feel like crap if I have to buy more "fat" summer clothes in a larger size)
  • ChaplainHeavin
    ChaplainHeavin Posts: 426 Member
    Alcohol is my biggest downfall with losing weight and Im trying to slow it down but what I seriously dont get is when people say dont go over your calories when drinking. So lets say I drink 800 calories and Im on a 1300 calorie deficit. People think its seriously ok to only eat 500 calories all day and go out drinking or starve yourself all week cutting out 150 calories a day to make up for saturday lol? Man Id be a cheap date and a sloppy drunk... Just sayin
  • ChaplainHeavin
    ChaplainHeavin Posts: 426 Member
    Alcohol is my biggest downfall with losing weight and Im trying to slow it down but what I seriously dont get is when people say dont go over your calories when drinking. So lets say I drink 800 calories and Im on a 1300 calorie deficit. People think its seriously ok to only eat 500 calories all day and go out drinking or starve yourself all week cutting out 150 calories a day to make up for saturday lol? Man Id be a cheap date and a sloppy drunk... Just sayin

    I don't think anyone has come remotely close to making such a statement. I know I didn't.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    "Hangover food?" you may want to look at your drinking seriously. There are alcoholics, there are functioning alcoholics, there are weekend warrior alcoholics, they they are all alcoholics.

    Just saying, it's something you may want to look at. Why do you drink; and why does it have to include hangovers? That's the question.

    Most people don't drink to to have hangovers; problem drinkers do.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    I find I can be strict with diet and exercise throughout the week but as soon as the weekend hits I drink enough alcohol and accompany it with enough hangover food to undo all the good work I've done in the week. Does anyone else struggle with this? I've been trying to change my habbits but as I live away from my family for work I find it really hard to restrain from drinking in my down time.

    Hi, my name is Lesa and I am an alcoholic. I was not an every day drinker, nor did alcohol cause any problems in my personal life, as a matter of fact, the only person I was hurting was myself when I drank. One day I woke up and realized that it was not okay for anyone else to hurt me, so why was it okay for me to hurt me?

    I found help with abstaining from alcohol an changing many aspects of my life for the better in the rooms of AA. Best decision I ever made in my life.

    I was not an all day drinker, and every day drinker or an every week drinker, but when I drank, I could not stop, THAT is what alcoholics are.

    If you would like some help stopping drinking I would be happy to talk to you about it. I can honestly say that I have a better life today with out booze in my life than I did before, and I could not imagine going on vacation, and enjoying it, with out a pitcher full of margaritas. I loved drinking, it just did not love me. Life is good today with out it.

    Just remember as you are reading through these posts, to many, alcohol is like a family member or very best friend, people will do what ever they can to protect it and keep it in their lives. Dont take the advice of those people. :wink:

    I'm glad Lisa said that. I was going to pipe in with the "problem drinking" think to.

    I'm valerie and I'm a addict. So, you may really want to look at the "hangover food" and why the term "hangover" is even in your action plan.

    Booze will kill all dietary goals, will kill your liver and well, will make you puffy and old before your time.