Subway sandwiches



  • AmykinsCatfood
    AmykinsCatfood Posts: 599 Member
    I don't know about you, but the Subways in my area are constantly being shut down due to ecoli and salmonella poisoning. We have stricter food laws here than in the states but somehow Subway is always being closed. It has to do with a.) the employees not washing their hands after using the bathroom and then not wearing gloves, and b.) the meat, cheese and veggies just sit around in their little trays all day. They don't have a certain time when they need to get rid of them. If it's been a slow day and you come in a 9pm for a sub, there's a good chance that that meat has been sitting around since noon. It's disgusting... I've never been a fan of Subway and I'm glad for it.
  • ils_1231
    ils_1231 Posts: 249 Member
    This might be why:

    I have not eaten subway since. Nor will I eat it again. This whole time I thought subway was healthy.

    That article was quoted from this article:

    The author of that original article includes the following in his bio (at the bottom of the page): "After taking the organic sulfur crystals (they are harvested from the pine trees in Louisiana) in November of 2008 for 10 days my asthma reversed and has not come back over 4 years later, 18 cases, so far, of autism have been reversed, as has cancer, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, osteoarthritis, joint pain, astigmatism, gum disease, increased sexual activity, heavy metal and radiation elimination, parasite elimination, free radicals elimination, faster athletic recovery time, increased blood circulation, reduced inflammation, resistance to getting the flu, reduction of wrinkles, allergy reduction, reduced PMS and monthly period pain, nausea, migraines and so much more."

    Organic sulfur crystals cure EVERYTHING. Seems legit. Sorry if I don't really buy any of the rest of his theories.

    that, and unless its guacamole the avocado is fresh. my first tip off was the "canned" avocado. I've been to subway places that offer and its cut straight from the fruit. no that subway is good for you, but im always wary of anything that contains a hint of untruthfulness.
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