Not again....amenorrhea :(



  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    Definitely see a doctor. I was all concerned that I had messed up my body with diet/exercise, but it turns out, I'm just post-menopausal at age 42 with few other symptoms. (So I do still face potential boney density issues, but at least it's not because of anything I did.) My doctor ran a hormone blood panel and he said that my results wouldn't be from diet/exercise--just genetics. (Turns out, my mom hit menopause at age 36 with no symptoms.) It doesn't sound like you've been eating or exercising in a way that would cause this, but only a check with a doctor will tell you for sure.

    Yep. Even if I gain weight and get them back, I'm probably still going to see a doctor because of the POV possibility because they've been irregular and I have other symptoms. I have a history of autoimmune problems in addition to/related to my thyroid so... happy days. :/

    For now, bring on the peanut butter.
  • einzweidrei
    einzweidrei Posts: 381 Member
    Net calories have been 1700-1800. I would eat up to about 2200 on days I'd work out. I had been at the gym 5-6 days a week, 1-2 hours.

    You need to eat more. You're only a little shorter than me (I'm 5'9") and I eat over 1900 calories/day without ever working out. I guess that's why I still get my period thanks to not really having any muscle definition anymore. Sigh. (Yep, hoping to start working out more once it's warmer.)
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I am surprised there are a few of us here with the POF/early menopause diagnosis! I was just diagnosed recently (37 years old) and found it hard to even find much useful information online.