IMO- Solo Sweaters Sustain

pojinx Posts: 34 Member
I just got done reading the blog MFP put up today about the benefits of working out with others. I have given a lot of thought on this subject and wondered what other people think.

Just this morning in the locker room I heard two girlfriends talking. It doesn't really matter what they looked like but I guess it does matter that I don't see them there often. They had an exchange that went something like this

"Today is just gross."
"I know, i thought you'd call today haha. I was like, it's Wednesday and it's raining and..."
"Ya! I thought you'd call too. I was just not feeling today haha"

So I think while it does show that neither of these women probably would have gotten to the gym if it weren't for the other, I think the "accountability" we always say working out with someone else brings is flawed. I think having someone going through what you are benchmarks your commitment, and when they wain, you wain. And what's worse is you aren't as hard on yourself about it.

I know that I workout a lot better without someone else. I can keep myself committed and find accountability in just telling the people I love about my workouts, past and future. My boyfriend just so happens to go to the same gym as me, and usually at the same time, but we don't workout together much. It does help knowing at least one person in the gym though.

Let me know your thoughts! Did anyone start out working out with a partner and then go solo? Or vice versa?


  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I think you make an excellent point.

    I've never had a workout partner aside from my husband. I think that works because we obviously love each other, we're different genders, etc.

    But I feel like if I had a female peer as my workout partner it would just not work for me. I can be VERY competitive and while a more active, fitter partner might be a great influence on me I'd be constantly overdoing it to prove myself and try to outperform her. If I had someone who was less active, less fit, then I feel like I'd take on some sort of patron role and that wouldn't challenge me whatsoever.
  • oneloopygirl
    oneloopygirl Posts: 151 Member
    I generally workout solo. I like the time to just be in my zone, with my thoughts, and at my pace. I've worked out with friends before, but I find that for me, I don't get the same mental benefits. I like the unwinding from a good hard run, step session, yoga, weights, whatever. I don't want to feel that I have to match pace with someone, etc. And often, when you have a friend there, it's the natural tendency of one to chat, etc that sometimes breaks that concentration/zone. I have even done some workouts with my husband. I can do it, but even he and I are two different enough people, that often, I'd just rather be on my own. I think that me time I get when working out that I NEVER get otherwise has a whole lot to do with that.
  • BeanQueen3000
    *cue sad violins*

    I don't have anyone to work out with in the first place! :cry:

    It's whatever- I tend to work best on my own, too.