need ROWER / ERG friends -- 191 lb male, 5'11"

sunship Posts: 59 Member
hi all --

I am on track with my daily diet (usually), though I really need to keep up with my ergometer schedule.

Presently, on a perfect day, I'm up at 4:30, and row a half-marathon before work. At 21K meters, that's around 108 minutes, and 1,120 cals. Trying to keep it up 6 days / week.

I've found when I miss that sweet-spot in the AM, the rows are much tougher to get through, and I usually skip them, blowing up my regimen.

Currently, I pass the time wearing earplugs, rowing watching Netflix on Roku. None too social, but it works.

So, please FRIEND ME if you're in a similar schedule to me -- would love to keep it up!

My goal is to get to 160 lbs., but quite honestly, I really don't care much -- if I get anywhere below 180 lbs., I'll be happy as a clam.

When rowing that much, I have to keep the calories up, or else I burn out -- :(