Starting a new diet, need to lose at least 100lbs by July.

Hello everyone, my name is Aaliyah.

I've decided to get into shape because I want to join the Navy and I want to be in better health.
The diet I have chosen to follow is Atkins.
The reason why I've chosen this diet is because 2 of my family members who were really overweight did
this diet and have lost 70-100lbs in as little as 5-6months, and they have kept it off. So i'm hoping I will get the same results.
I've started on the 28th of Feb, and as of today I have already lost 13lbs. So I'm extremely pleased with the results of this diet
so far, and I hope to continue to lose weight at a rapid pace.


  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    You are going to hear this a lot. Your goal is not healthy. Even with Atkins/low carb, you should aim for 2 lbs per week. If your goal is to join the Navy, an aggressive weight loss like that may leave you worse off than being slightly over weight. You will want to look into a balanced fitness plan to go along with a healthy diet. Military basic training isn't easy and if you end up weak from losing 100 lbs in 4 months, you may not complete the training.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    thats what, over 4lb a week? not going to happen!

    yes, you might lose a lot the first few weeks, but you cant sustain that much of a deficit in a healthy way to lose 4lb per week once you get down to a healthier weight.

    plus as soon as you eat carbs again you'll gain weight.