What is your favorite "bad" food?

Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
And have you found a substitute? Mine is a Starbucks Cranberry Orange scone. 460 calories, 15 grams fat, 33 grams sugar and 76 carbs. I love them but if I learned anything from MFP it was that I had to give up the scones or restrict them to once a week -- tops. Haven't found a substitute. What is your weakness?


  • muffins and mac n cheese... but i hardly eat either so i wont ever get rid of them!!!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    ice cream, I have replaced it with skinny cow ice cream sandwiches or klondike slim bars
  • LastFighter
    LastFighter Posts: 175 Member
    Coca Cola would amount for the most calories and Pizza for the 2nd. I now keep the small 100 calorie cokes on hand for when I need a fix. Honestly its an addiction. The other is pizza I love cheese and pasta and meat and garlic and the smell and everything about pizza.
  • I am so weak when it comes to hot bread and butter.
  • Soft drinks, and cola in particular. There is no substitute; I can't have diet drinks as the aspartame triggers migraines. It's not easy to give it up :sad:
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    Pizza and bagels. Bagels I don't have very often at all at 250 cals a pop. But I go overboard on pizza when we get it. I'm more than 1000 over tonight bc of just that. Thankfully, we only order pizza approx. 1x a month so I refuse to feel too guilty since its relatively infrequent. It's not the once a month splurges that getcha'.. its the uncalculated daily overages that do ya' in. So, I also haven't bothered with a replacement.

    Unfortunately, I manage to eat enough high cal foods that I end up over in a single meal (ie: DBF made fried chx, mac n chz & gr. bns the other night... just the chx was almost 400 cals!! .. I can't trust him to cook for ME... *sighs* Oh well) far too often. I thought about not eating what he made, but it'd been too long a day (week!) to make something separate.
  • Ben and Jerry's Mint Oreo Cookie ice cream. That stuff goes down so easily I can wolf down the entire pint and not even remember what it tastes like!
  • KarenJean81
    KarenJean81 Posts: 117 Member
    Ben & Jerry's Phish Food. Now they make a frozen yogurt version, but its hard to find here.
  • angisnee
    angisnee Posts: 236 Member
    Pizza! But a good "pizza grilled cheese" gets rid of the craving. I use two slices of light bread, one slice of mozzarella cheese, 4 slices of pepperoni and a few chopped olives. Cook it in just enough cooking spray to make it crispy and dip in pizza sauce. A little heavy on the sodium, but low cal and low fat and so yummy!
  • My favorite "bad food" is definitely Chinese food. Those guys make the best food ever. And I know its deadly but the buffets are amazing. Im happy to have just recently converted to a more healthier lifestyle and will enjoy the Chinese style lean cuisines! :)
  • Fettuccine Alfredo. Love that stuff. I barely get it so it's not too bad.
  • Peanut butter cookies, warm. Instead of the cookie, when I'm craving them, I get a small spoonful of peanut butter and lick it like a lollipop. It's a disgusting image, I'm sure, but it works.
  • Reeses peanut butter cups/pumpkins/eggs/whatever seasonal shape. You can't substitute that stuff... I indulge occasionally :)
  • maroon58
    maroon58 Posts: 289 Member
    sweets (cookies, pastries, etc) and pasta! love them both but have managed to decrease my intake of them greatly. try to have them less but i am not going to not have them.
  • akrae
    akrae Posts: 18
    Ice cream! Sometimes I'll blend up frozen chunks of banana for a lower-fat option. Like someone else said, the slim a bears and skinny cows are good substitutes too.
  • gnutrifitness
    gnutrifitness Posts: 169 Member
    Full fat cheese, whole milk, ice cream, cakes, cookies and all chocolaty things.....I just eat them once in a while but in very little amount....for the dairy I try to stick to the low fat version, and for ice cream, I try to replace it with protein frozen shakes...I also love pasta, I try to eat the whole wheat or eat parmesana eggplants (my low fat version), that just satisfies me in the same way that pasta use to...
  • hyenagirl
    hyenagirl Posts: 206 Member
    Can't eat ice cream (allergic to milk, I break out in hives all over). I used to eat ice cream all the time. My guilty pleasure now is: Thai food, Wendy's chicken nuggets and McDonald's egg mcmuffin (sans cheese). I also love salsa and chips, Cherry Cokes, beer, and juice + vokda type of cocktails.

    I also love to eat crustaceans, and oysters but they're healthy.
  • jojo0909
    jojo0909 Posts: 115 Member
    Cake! Thanks goodness for Angel Food. Just made one for DH's birthday. We will enjoy it tomorrow with light whipping, fruit and yogurt for a low fat/calorie dessert. Yummmm
  • akrae
    akrae Posts: 18
    Hey I just came across this recipe today. Might be a good lower fat option for you! http://eclecticrecipes.com/fettuccine-alfredo-spinach-mushrooms/
  • My favorite "bad food" is definitely Chinese food. Those guys make the best food ever. And I know its deadly but the buffets are amazing. Im happy to have just recently converted to a more healthier lifestyle and will enjoy the Chinese style lean cuisines! :)

    There is a Weight Watchers cookbook called Take Out Tonight that specializes in different types of takeout (mostly ethnic) that has some excellent Chinese food recipes in it. They're easy, they're healthy, and they're GOOD.
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