Bumps in the Road

So, two days ago I stepped off the bottom stair just right and hurt my lower back pretty bad. I was laid up for about a day and a half barely able to hold myself up without assistance. So, now on day 3 I'm still pretty sore but I'm walking around as much as I can. I'm feeling like a complete hitch was thrown into my routine not only because of my back but I was really planning on getting a jump on my exercise routine before I'm scheduled for surgery on the 21st. After that, I know I won't be able to do much for at least a few weeks. I'm starting to feel discouraged. :ohwell:


  • viglet
    viglet Posts: 299 Member
    Sorry hear about your injury.

    Sometimes we just can't predict or avoid situations in life. The best thing we can do is just try and stay positive. The more discouraged you get, the easier it will be to "fall off the wagon".

    Just try and focus on your eating and know that when the time is right for you to get back into your workout routine, at least you will have your nutrition in check.
  • I know how you feel, i get anxiety when my routine is broken up. But is long as you continue to eat properly and within you deficit you weight loss shouldn't be affected. You need let you body heal so that you can hit the exercise head on =) it sucks now but once your healed and back on point it will just be a memory.
  • Marcia315
    Marcia315 Posts: 460 Member
    go see a chiropractor