Toddler Temperature



  • michellesz
    michellesz Posts: 428 Member
    Does anyone know at what temperature a 2 1/4 year old should be seen by a doctor? My oldest is running quite the temp! thanks!

    ETA: NOT seeing medical advice. Just too lazy to look up general guidelines as to what warrents a call.

    “Quite the temp” as you state sounds concerning and temperature is usually a sign of an infection & is a serious matter. You may be too lazy to look up guidelines of what warrants a call? Are you serious or is this a joke? I would start with prioritizing your parental responsibility of getting off the forums and placing a call to your child’s pediatrician or doctor’s office. The call takes only seconds and the advice is “medical advice” related to your child and is free. Every office has someone available during business hours or a service available to help with your questions. I hope you have done that by this point!! And yes, as mentioned above a tempid bath, tylenol or motrin & hydration is extremely important until the advice is received or fever is brought down.