Problem areas .. will gaining muscle help?



  • milileitner
    milileitner Posts: 98 Member
    FWIW 14% is lower than most figure competitors will have when they're on stage. They come in at about 16%. So I doubt you're 14%. I am around 18% at the moment and my pics show the amount of muscle definition I have...
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    ^^She may or may not have 14% bf but her stats aren't out of the realm of possibility-an ex of mine had her exact stats. It's low but essential fat for women is 10-13% and 14% is on the lower end of the athletic range.

    She wouldn't be asking questions about problem areas if she had 14% body fat. That is low even for an athlete, and veining becomes visible on a woman at around 15%. Muscle striations become visible in the thighs at 14-17%, depending on fat placement. A woman can't get to 15% without actively taking measures to do it, with diet and lifting, usually carb cycling; or in extreme circumstances, starving to the point of essential fat and muscle loss (anorexics). She's clearly not anorexic at 126 pounds and 5'4".
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    ^^She may or may not have 14% bf but her stats aren't out of the realm of possibility-an ex of mine had her exact stats. It's low but essential fat for women is 10-13% and 14% is on the lower end of the athletic range.

    She wouldn't be asking questions about problem areas if she had 14% body fat. That is low even for an athlete, and veining becomes visible on a woman at around 15%. Muscle striations become visible in the thighs at 14-17%, depending on fat placement. A woman can't get to 15% without actively taking measures to do it, with diet and lifting, usually carb cycling; or in extreme circumstances, starving to the point of essential fat and muscle loss (anorexics). She's clearly not anorexic at 126 pounds and 5'4".
    The person you are quoting isn't the OP. It was from another poster.
  • Aihs123
    Aihs123 Posts: 20
    You don't mention doing cardio ? Try doing some kickass cardio, try Stairmasters, Spin classes, running several times a week, embrace the body you have , Just try to make it the best version you can..

    I do about 30 minutes of cardio before weight lifting. I lift 3 days a week and do cardio 5 days a week. I guess I just have to keep at it. Thank you

    There are a few studies out there that suggest that doing cardio after you lift is beneficial both for fat burn and for muscle retention. It encourages blood flow and faster healing post lifting. Stick to cardio AFTER lifting because doing it first will tire the muscle and you won't see the same strength gains or muscle retention. It isn't significant, but when you're 126 pounds, every little bit counts. I bike for my cardio, and since adding it to my routine, I've seen remarkable changes in my hips and legs.

    Keep lifting heavy, eat at a very slight deficit or at maintenance and see where you are in a few months. If you're not where you want to be, consider eating at a slight surplus and bulking for a few months to add muscle, and then cut.

    Awesome! Thanks
  • Aihs123
    Aihs123 Posts: 20
    ^^She may or may not have 14% bf but her stats aren't out of the realm of possibility-an ex of mine had her exact stats. It's low but essential fat for women is 10-13% and 14% is on the lower end of the athletic range.

    I think I actually have 21% bf