Blood sugar?

I've been having some weird symptoms lately and I'm not sure if they are related to dieting at all. Whenever I go too long without eating, I get extremely irritable, very dizzy and lightheaded (to the point that I don't feel comfortable driving), bad headaches, very shaky and very tired. Usually this happens after 4 or so hours without any sugar. It's a pretty quick onset as well, usually within a few minutes.

For example: this morning at 7:45 I had an english muffin with butter, a pretty big serving of frosted mini wheats and a small iced coffee with skim milk. I drink plenty of water throughout the day. I wasn't able to eat again until my lunch break at 12 (I'm a student, not much physical activity), and when I drove to a deli to get a sandwich, I had to eat my lunch in my car and stay there for 45 minutes because I couldn't drive. I still feel very faint, nauseous, lightheaded, and like everything is spinning a little, but after I eat anything I get even more nauseous and gag constantly.

I've been doing my best to track everything on MFP and I'm usually at the max sugar level or slightly above it. I've had issues like these before in the past, I've always gotten cranky, tired, and lightheaded when I go too long without food (who doesn't). It's getting worse and I feel like a healthy 23 year old shouldn't NEED to have food every 4 hours. I take my multi-vitamin everyday, get plenty of sleep, and exercise at least 4-5 times a week (at night) as well!

Has anyone else had an issue like this when cutting back calories? I'm not sure if this is my body adjusting to dieting still 2 months later or it's way of telling me to eat more frequently or if it's something more serious. Does MFP have really low sugar intake limits that I should change? I don't want to go to the doctor and make her think I'm a hypochondriac so I'm trying to ask around a little


  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    No doctor would think you are a hypochondriac when you are complaining of symptoms like being dizzy and lightheaded, to the point where it is affecting your life (e.g. you can't drive). Don't mess around. Something is wrong, go to the doctor.
  • bciloveme2014
    bciloveme2014 Posts: 213 Member
    I am hypoglycemic, and i had some of those symptoms if I don't eat something between meals, I doesn't have to be sugar. I always put one or two granola bars in my purse just in case I get hungry when I am out. also in Oct. was diagnosed with anemia because my iron was very low. I recommend you to visit the doctor and take supplements to help with your diet.
  • bciloveme2014
    bciloveme2014 Posts: 213 Member
    Oh I forgot to say that I am not anemic anymore, but I make sure that my multivitamin has Iron in it and eat more proteins. I am eating between 1260 to 1600 calories and I don't have any of those symptoms anymore.
  • DragonLadyZinnia
    DragonLadyZinnia Posts: 7 Member
    I did have to make some adjustments to how I eat when I started counting calories. I have to make sure to get protein in my meals, and I "budget" enough calories so that I can "spend" 300 - 400 snacking throughout the day. I'd say I eat every 2 hours, but I'm sure it varies from person to person.

    When I talked to a health coach, she always insisted that I eat in a manner that meant I was not hungry or cause me physical distress. I agree with the above two posters - your doctor won't think you're a hypochondriac, and will be the best one to address your diet and symptom concerns.