in a quantry--hit my target and regained!

de1amo Posts: 266 Member
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
Back on the 30th june i hit my target weight of 69kg(152lbs) set by a dietician and the same weight i was 13 years ago when i was 34-i started to draw lots of negative comments from friends and family because everyone thought i looked older and 'unwell'--my neck had become scawny!--i went on my long summer holidays and over indulged but put on 13lbs to 75kgs(165lbs)Now everyone thinks i look healthy although i feel i have my middleage spread back!--i have started to diet again and go to the gym -my original weight was a massive 85kgs(187Lbs) and i have no wish to get like that but now i wonder where i should go because i am a target driven person!!??


    CFAITH_WARD Posts: 281 Member
    You are the only one that you need to make happy.....I think when I get to my goal I will paying close attention to my weight and yes if I gain 5 ilbs I will exercise harder and pay closer attention to my diet......The clothes that are too big now are my never again clothes...I mean it.
  • de1amo
    de1amo Posts: 266 Member
    i was happy at 70kgs 13 years ago- i had an excellent picture taken of myself on the beach playing volleyball so i yearn for that weight--the dietician just re-enforced this target.---i just cant stop putting the lbs on around my stomack--even water and cups of tea seem to blow me up!!--does the skeleton continue to evolve in your 40s to make a change of target necessary???
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    You and your dietician should be the ones to decide! I know you do not want to have to keep relosing the same weight over and over again, so work on getting back to your target weight and maintaining and find new friends who will support your efforts given that you have a trained dietician consulting with you.
  • I've had the same problem. I reached my goal last October and was so proud of how I looked. It was the first time in my life (I'm 40) that I wore a bathing suit and was proud. Then the same comments started coming - are you sick? what is wrong?...It started seeping in and I slowly started allowing myself a treat here and there... I am now 8 lbs over where I was and having a heck of a time losing it. I am so mad at them and at myself!! Do it for you and don't listen to them
  • Minoesh
    Minoesh Posts: 105 Member
    You are the only one that you need to make happy.....I think when I get to my goal I will paying close attention to my weight and yes if I gain 5 ilbs I will exercise harder and pay closer attention to my diet......The clothes that are too big now are my never again clothes...I mean it.

    I fully agree, you need to do this for yourself and if you are happier at your target weight then never mind everyone else! I have also decided that once I get to my goal weight I will weigh myself weekly and as soon as I notice a gain of 5lbs will adjust my eating and exercise to bring it back down. I was 105kg (231lbs) when I first changed my lifestyle nearly 4 years ago and I'm now at 75kgs (165lbs), not my goal weight yet but well on the way (I am 46 years old). I have chucked out all my big clothes as I will NEVER go there again, I've just kept one pair of jeans so I can look back every now and then to remind myself how unhappy I was. Stay healthy and positive, do what's right for you and you will be fine :-) Good luck!
  • Minoesh
    Minoesh Posts: 105 Member
    By they way, I joined this site at the beginning of July this year and It has been extrememly useful and motivating! :-)
  • eveunderground
    eveunderground Posts: 236 Member
    Just a quick note to mention that reaching your target weight alone will probably not get you to the same body you had at 34, you may need to work at changing your body composition (increase muscle and lose fat) in order to get it back to what it was. Getting to your target weight can be achieved through diet, but tweaking your physical appearance to look tight and toned requires exercise/resistance training.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Back on the 30th june i hit my target weight of 69kg(152lbs) set by a dietician and the same weight i was 13 years ago when i was 34-i started to draw lots of negative comments from friends and family because everyone thought i looked older and 'unwell'--my neck had become scawny!--i went on my long summer holidays and over indulged but put on 13lbs to 75kgs(165lbs)Now everyone thinks i look healthy although i feel i have my middleage spread back!--i have started to diet again and go to the gym -my original weight was a massive 85kgs(187Lbs) and i have no wish to get like that but now i wonder where i should go because i am a target driven person!!??

    Where you should go is where you want to go and not where anybody else thinks you should be.

    Let them do what they do and ensure that they let you be who and what you want to be.

    It riles me no-end when other "well-meaning outsiders" insist on telling you, after all your hard work, how thin you now look, or, that you don't look well and are you ok?

    For crying out loud, the people that usually say this are those that are overweight themselves or like to stuff themselves full fo crap and do next to no exercise whatsoever!

    If you were happy being lighter and trimmer, go back to that, it doesn't matter what they say, it is you inhabiting your body, not them. They are not even in your company the majority of the time, they just like to poke their noses in because it makes them feel important and they are deflecting their own inadequacies by belittling you.

    Don't stand for it, in fact, stand up and be counted, you'll feel better for it!
  • de1amo
    de1amo Posts: 266 Member
    Eveunderground hit the nail on the head when she talked about composition of body--the dieting left me thin and without my 'muscle' shape--i know its not muscle because i have regained the shape by putting on the 5kgs without any gym work--just a shape people seem to find more appealing-when i was 34 there was definate muscle--its getting that muscled shape back while dieting -i seem to prefer lots of cardio which seems to weaken me in the resistance work i get done in my gym--my instructors tell me not to diet and eat freely while i am in 'gym' mode--its a hard balance to strike mentally
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