Is 1600 cals really enough? Please read and advise.



  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I am somewhat concerned that I am losing to fast but I do know that after the first 10 lbs came off I took 14 days to drop the 7 lbs so in my opinion it might have just been water weight that I was losing. Yesterday I crammed in more protein and got to 1980 cals with a 500 cal burn from the gym. Weight went up like .5 lbs an I feel great this morning!

    In gonna try the 1847 pre workout cals this week and push for 200 grams of protein and see how I and the scale feel about it!

    I know this will sound crazy to most as well but I would only go to do #2 once maybe twice a day and I can tell you I felt like a baby kitten would have a bigger bowel movement then I was. Today I went right after my morning shake as usual and I can tell you I was pleasantly surprised.

    more protein equals going to the bathroom more.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    ^^^Not true... More fiber does!!!
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    ^^^Not true... More fiber does!!!

    Not for me and I seen a dr for that reason. Look at men they eat more protein then woman and rarely get constipated. Women are the ones who suffer from constipation because we take in more carbs and not enough protein. Since I take in more protein I don't have a problem. Fiber (real fiber not the processed stuff) swells me up and makes me very uncomfortable. But everyone is different.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    Upped my protein and caloric intake to 1847. Weight still dropping but I feel great in the morning and my workouts dont suck that bad.

    Will stick here and see how we feel/do in a week or two!!!
  • LastFighter
    LastFighter Posts: 175 Member
    17lbs in 24 days may seem like a lot but you usually lose a lot to start out. Im assuming your a larger male like me. I lose almost a pound a day for 2 weeks. The general numbers I hear are 1500-2000 calories to lose 2 lbs a week. Im much bigger than most people so I actually do around 2100 minimum without adding in workouts.

    I wonder if you are doing enough weights in the gym, if so what the results are. If you arent losing strength I wouldnt be worried about muscle loss. When you are losing weight basically every muscle in your body will look smaller. My legs are much smaller than they were but are much defined now. The muscles themselves look smaller but because I track what I lift I know they are stronger.
    Keep up the good work.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    Okay I didn't know you were a man and that being said no 1600 calories isn't enough for a man.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    Ok guys. Since changing my caloric intake up to 1900 cals I have noticed no change in weight really. I may drop down for the day but the next day I am right back to where I started.

    I checked my BMR and this time it said I need 1895. From there I reset my goals and it's telling me I need to take in 1600 cals again which I am a little iffy about.

    Since the last time we talked about this I was at 1680 and I went up to 1900 and have since stopped dropping but feel stronger but don't feel the weight loss. Any ideas people?
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