Question for fitbit users



  • Jeannieclark84
    Jeannieclark84 Posts: 58 Member
    I love my fitbit. It really helped me get motivated and to stay motivated. I got the Fitbit one last year and that is when I really started losing weight. I think it was because I could see my activity and it encouraged me! plus it works well with MFP! I love it and would recommend it to any of my friends.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • FishingGuy75
    FishingGuy75 Posts: 59 Member
    +1 on doing laps in the living room before going to bed just to get my step goal met. I've had a flex for over a year and the only reason I ever take it off is to recharge it.
  • scrapjen
    scrapjen Posts: 387 Member
    I've had a Fitbit for almost three years now, can't imagine a day without it. We're a Fitbit family too (my kids, parents, brothers and their wives). I did a blog post about everything it can do...

    That said ... I don't know that IT really impacts my weight. It's the dang EATING that derails me! I was active before I got the Fitbit, and I am still active now. But I love the visual graph of that daily activity and I really like how Fitbit works together with MFP. Since joining MFP, I've lost weight again ...
  • David_AUS
    David_AUS Posts: 298 Member
    They are a great little unit for monitoring your activity (steps and intensity) and sleep. They help bring awareness to your habits. Their interface software is good - not fantastic (you can look at the software for free and log without a fitbit to check it out). They indirectly aid your weight / health goals through bringing awareness.

    There are reward badges and weekly status reports which are good. Their weight badges don't come through unless you buy their over priced scale though :)

    I am glad I got one as it inspires me to keep active and I would say has definitely supported my weight loss - I am not satisfied unless I get the little buzz on the wrist to say I got my 10 K steps for the day.
  • eena56
    eena56 Posts: 1,456 Member
    Thank you all so much for your replies! Very helpful to know more about it. And I definately won't be getting a Force then.

    Recently got the Sportband for Nike+ so I'll see how I get on with running for awhile,and might get a fitbit in the future. Was thinking it might be helpful for maintenance once i reach my goal as my difficulty seems to be maintaining an active lifestyle.

    Thanks again!
  • JenJBS
    JenJBS Posts: 83
    Love my FitBit. It does motivate me. I walk more and take the stairs instead of the elvevator a lot more since I've gotten it. I think it helps me keep better track of how many calories I'm acutally burning, which is important to know. I feel it's very accurate.