Maintenance calories for target weight, or follow MFP?

I appreciate opinions on this:

MFP suggests a certain calorie level for me to adhere to so I can continue to lose 2lbs per week. For me, this is 2060 calories, independent of exercising/net calories. I'm certainly not starving at this number, but doing the BMRx1.2 equation as a baseline with my personal characteristics, I've seen that maintenance calories for my target weight are closer to 2400 per day. Before joining MFP, that's what I was eating per day, and I lost my first 35 pounds that way. I realize all this is subject to diminishing returns.

I'm 6' 5", male, 33, with a target weight of 235, at which point I'll re-assess. My question: Should I be eating the 2400 per day and not caring how much per week I lose, because I can sustain that way of eating and be happy? Or should I follow MFP's suggestion and continue with less calories until I feel it's unhealthy? Thanks in advance.