Long Road Ahead

Hey Everybody,

I know I'm not the only person that feels this way. I'm am so vey proud of the progress I've made in the past month or so. I try not to think about it but I've got such a long way to go. It's very discouraging at times because this is not the first attempt I've ever made to lose weight. I have been wanting to lose weight since I was 16, only then I was only about 150 or 160 lbs. I'm a yo-yo and I don't believe I've ever stuck to a plan for longer than 2 months. I always gave up. My highest weight was 283 which I just reached this year. I've got to do this. I'm 27 and I hardly ever feel like doing anything and I don't want to be plagued with health problems in the next 10 or 15 years. Thank goodness I'm lucky enough not to have any right now but I know it won't stay that way. Sorry you guys I just wanted to get it out. I don't usually talk to people how I feel about this. I guess when you put it all in perspective it took me over 10 years to get to this weight and shouldn't take me more than 2 or 3 years to get it back off if I stick to it. Thanks for listening and have a great day.


  • tawny7
    tawny7 Posts: 276 Member
    Try not to look so far ahead...just stay on track for today. Or even for this hour if that's what you have to do. It's very hard, I've been overweight practically my whole life and I'm an emotional eater. Even though you don't feel like it get up and move around. When I first started I'd put my radio on and walk around my bedroom because I was too embarrassed to walk outside. Take baby steps and you'll get there!!
    It helps me to log in here everyday and track my food.
    You can do this!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Beebee78
    You can do this - it may take time but with patience and the support you will find here you can do it! xxx
  • vjade
    vjade Posts: 27

    Welcome, your doing great so far. My suggestion is to just look at it as a lifestyle change. I struggled with weight issues also most of my life and I've tried pretty much everything. I played around with a lot of different diets none was something that I could see myself doing everyday. I then discovered Atkins although, it took awhile to get the willpower to start once I did it was the easiest thing I've ever did to lose weight. It's not for everyone but, it works for me. I also started going to Curves which is a big motivator. I'm a bit lazy and I too get embarrassed by going to the Gym where there are guys so, that's why Curves for me is perfect. They weigh and measure you and it only takes about 30-40 min 3 days a week. Yesterday I burned 455 calories in 35 minutes. If I didn't join I would probably be at home with a book in my nose. Do you have a support system? Anyone you can buddy up with? if not, feel free to add me. Having someone you can relate too helps. Good Luck!
  • cassandra67
    It may be 2 or 3 years before you reach GOAL, but everyday you will be lighter than you were the day before. Each month of the journy will bring excitement as you watch yourself fit into smaller and smaller sizes, and are able to do things you couldn't before. Enjoy the journey. Enjoy the discovery of the new you!
  • groovybeenz
    groovybeenz Posts: 151 Member
    Thanks everybody. I really think I've found what I really needed all along here at MFP.
  • groovybeenz
    groovybeenz Posts: 151 Member
    Now going to try to get some working out done on my day off!!! :tongue: